Saturday, February 28, 2015

How To Do A Pregnancy Test? Here Are Your Options

How To Do A Pregnancy Test? Here Are Your Options

On our usual hangout at the coffee shop, we caught up with Carol, 27, who was discussing the options of a pregnancy tests with her bestie Lisa, 31. The question of taking a pregnancy test haunts each and every one of us some time or the other in our lives, doesn’t it? Find out more information about the options you have if you want to take a pregnancy test.

1. Take a blood test

“If you are not a fan of home pregnancy tests, one of the options that you have is to take a blood test. Your blood sample will be sent to the laboratory and results will be given in a few days time”, said Lisa. She also added that this was one of the safest and surest answers to the question of how to take a pregnancy test because blood tests done by doctors are generally 99% accurate.

2. Take a urine test

“I don’t like needles”, exclaimed Carol when Lisa told her about the blood test. “How is it possible to take a pregnancy test without involving needles and other painful things, Lisa?” asked Carol. Lisa went on and said, “You can even get a urine test done to confirm whether you are pregnant or not. This is quite similar to taking a home pregnancy test”, she added.

3. Use pregnancy test kits

“Most women who want to take a pregnancy test end up buying a home pregnancy test kit”, said Lisa. She also added that the most beneficial aspect of this type of pregnancy test was that women could buy kits from the pharmacy and perform the test in privacy. Carol seemed to like the idea of a home pregnancy test and we did too. Did you know that manufacturers claim up to 96% accuracy if the pregnancy test is carried out as per the instructions? “Tall claims, I must say”, said Lisa who had got inaccurate results with her home pregnancy test.

4. Home pregnancy test kits – How to use them

“How should I go about taking a pregnancy test at home?”, asked Carol who certainly seemed confused at this point. “Home pregnancy tests are generally easy to do. You are provided with strips that you can dip into your urine that has been collected in a small container. Some types of strips can also be held under your urine stream”, explained Lisa. She also mentioned that it is best to take a home pregnancy test when you first urinate after getting out of bed in the morning.

5. Home pregnancy test kits – Cautionary advice

From the conversation between Carol and Lisa, we picked up that home pregnancy tests can sometimes be inaccurate and may give misleading results. Typical situations of a dirty urine collecting container, a fault in the pregnancy test kit, fluid intake, varying HCG levels, tests timed incorrectly, medication or other medical conditions may alter the test results. So watch out for these points before jumping on a conclusion regarding the results of your pregnancy test. If you are not satisfied or are unsure of the results, go consult your doctor.

5 Benefits of Eating Ice Cream

5 Benefits of Eating Ice Cream

There is nothing better than an ice cream, especially on a hot summer day. There is no better dessert to serve after a delicious dinner. Who does not love ice cream? We all do! But did you know that in spite of the several disadvantages that eating ice cream is likely to have, there are certain benefits as well? Listed below are the top 5 advantages of eating ice cream.

1. Source of vitamins

Ice cream is a rich source of vitamins. It contains many vitamins including vitamins A, B-6, B-12, C, D and E. It also contains thiamine, riboflavin and niacin. Ice cream also contains vitamin K which prevents blood clotting.

2. Provides energy

Ice cream is an outstanding source of energy. It has a very high nutritional value. It contains carbohydrates, fats and proteins – all of which are essential for energy. Also, it helps to gain weight. If you are looking for energy, you should have ice creams, and with all the goodness of milk, it also provides you with necessary sugars.

3. Source of minerals

Ice cream is a rich source of minerals like calcium and phosphorus. Besides helping in building and maintaining stronger bones and avoiding bone related diseases, researchers have also found that calcium reduces the chances of kidney stones. Calcium also helps in preventing mood swings and premenstrual symptoms – another reason why you should have ice creams!

4. Stimulates the brain

Ice cream stimulates the thrombotonin, which is a hormone of happiness and helps in reducing the levels of stress in the body. Ice cream is made of milk which contains L-triptophane which is a natural tranquilizer and helps in relaxing the nervous system. It also helps prevent symptoms of insomnia.

5. Reduces risk of cancer

The calcium content in ice cream also helps in reducing the chances of colon cancer. Apart from being a catalyst to building stronger bones, this particular benefit of calcium makes ice cream all the more beneficial.
In spite of all the benefits that ice cream has, there is no reason to over indulge in it because it also has a large number of disadvantages which are harmful for your health. So relish on ice creams, but in moderation.

8 Surprising Health Benefits of Sex

Find out how getting intimate can improve your well-being

Of course sex is healthy, but did you know that a good sex life can provide specific health benefits? We spoke to the experts to find out just how sex improves our health (not that you needed any convincing).

1. It May Make You Thinner
Dread working out? Don’t break up with your treadmill just yet. But if it’s late and you haven’t made it to the gym, don’t forget that sex counts as exercise, too! “Sex burns between 75 and 150 calories per half-hour,” says Desmond Ebanks, MD, founder and medical director of Alternity Healthcare in West Hartford, Connecticut. It’s comparable to other physical activities, he says, like yoga (114 calories per half-hour), dancing (129 calories per half-hour) or walking (153 calories per half-hour).

Bonus: Sex may also help your muscles stay lean in the process. “Sexual arousal and orgasm releases the hormone testosterone, which, among other things, is necessary to build and maintain bone and lean muscle tissue,” he adds.
2. It May Improve Your Heart Health
You’re probably already aware that heart disease is the number-one killer of women. Eating a healthy diet, and keeping your cholesterol low and sodium in check are great ways to stay on top of heart health, but so is having sex. “Sex is exercise that raises heart rate and blood flow,” says Dr. Ebanks. “In a study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, researchers found that having sex twice or more a week reduced the risk of fatal heart attack by half.” While the study results were focused on men, Dr. Ebanks suspects similar effects for women, too.
3. It Can Help You Get a Better Night’s Sleep
What do you do to help you sleep? When chamomile tea and other remedies aren’t doing the job, sex may help—especially if you’re having trouble sleeping due to anxiety or stress. “People having frequent sex often report that they handle stress better,” notes Dr. Ebanks. “The profound relaxation that typically follows orgasm for women and ejaculation or orgasm for men may be one of the few times people actually allow themselves to completely relax. Many indicate that they sleep more deeply and restfully after satisfying lovemaking.”
4. It Can Boost Your Immune System
With all the concerns about cold and flu viruses, combating germs can sometimes feel like a full-time job. Surprisingly, there may be something you can do in the bedroom to keep your immune system strong, says Dr. Ebanks, who points to a study by researchers at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania. “Individuals who have sex once or twice a week show 30 percent higher levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin A, which is known to boost the immune system,” he says. So, make this your new cold-and-flu season mantra: Wash your hands and make a bedroom date with your sweetie—often!
5. It Can Improve Your Mental Health 
The quickest way to boost your mood, fight depression and beat anxiety? Patricia Tan, MD, a board-certified internist in Arizona and medical expert for, says the answer is simple: sex (in a loving, committed relationship, of course). “Psychologically, sex improves one’s mental health by building intimacy and reducing stress,” she says. “The stress reduction component lowers a person's cortisol level, thereby reducing the chances of increased blood pressure, hyperglycemia and increased acidity in the abdomen.”
6. It Can Help Relieve Pain
You might change “Not tonight, honey, I have a headache” to “Yes, tonight, honey, I have a headache,” or so says Dr. Ebanks, who believes there’s a real correlation between sex and pain management. “Through sexual arousal and orgasm the hormone oxytocin is secreted in your body, which in turn causes the release of endorphins,” he explains. “Because of these natural opiates, sex acts as a powerful analgesic.”
7. It Can Help You with Bladder Control
It may sound weird—the idea that sex can help you minimize incontinence—but it’s true, say experts. Sex therapists have long recommended that women do Kegel exercises (flexing the muscles in your pelvic floor) throughout the day, but also during sex. Why? Not only can the exercises help increase pleasure, they also strengthen the muscles associated with incontinence. You can do Kegels anywhere (including during intercourse), so don’t be shy! Gently flex and tighten your pelvic floor muscles in the same way you would to stop the flow of urine. Hold for three seconds, then release.
8. It May Give You Healthier Skin
Could sex make you more beautiful? It sounds far-fetched, but Eric Braverman, MD, founder of PATH Medical Center in New York City, says having sex releases a key compound in the body that is good for all kinds of things—including improving your complexion. During sex, your body produces a hormone called DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone). “It can boost the immune system, give you healthier skin and even decrease depression,” he says. So much for the $79 night cream!

Friday, February 27, 2015


Cardamom is native to India and Sri Lanka where it occurs in the wild. It has been introduced all over all over tropical Asia where it is cultivated.
The plant grows in a thick clump of up to 20 leafy shoots. It can reach a height of between 2 to almost 6 m.

Leaves - dark green, long and sword-shaped. The underside is paler and may have a covering of tiny hairs.

Flowers - on a long flowering stalk which can grow to more than 1 m long. They are both male and female and are pale green. One of the petals is white and streaked with violet.
Fruits - pale green to yellow and elongated oval-shape. Each fruit has 3 chambers filled with small aromatic seeds, each about 3 mm long. The fruits and seeds dry to a straw-brown colour and are widely used as flavouring.

Always try to buy black cardamom whole rather than in seed form as it begins to lose its potency and aroma when the skin is removed and seeds are stored without the skin. It is also preferable not to buy the powdered form if whole pods are available, for the same reason. When required for use as a powder, remove the skin and discard and then grind the seeds in a clean, dry coffee grinder and use immediately. Look for fragrant, well formed pods that are plump, firm, dry and about an inch in length.

Benefits of Elaichi 

According to traditional wisdom of Ayurveda, cardamom is effective in improving digestion. It helps those suffering from stomach cramps. It is a good stimulant and beneficial for those suffering from flatulence and gas.

Cardamom helps treat Sexual dysfunctions such as premature ejaculation and impotency can be easily remedied using the elaichi herb. Boiling the cardamom seeds in a mixture of honey and milk and then ingesting the concoction every night has been shown to yield superb results.

Cardamom also helps in cleansing the body as it has detoxifying properties. It is basically a warm spice and known to have originated from India. It improves blood circulation to the lungs and can be helpful in prevention of spasms or convulsions. Hence, cardamom in small quantities is beneficial for those suffering from asthma or bronchitis.

Cardamom enhances appetite and provides relief from acidity in the stomach. It is used in the cure of halitosis. It is beneficial for those suffering from various kinds of respiratory allergies. When you have sore throat, you can try out a little quantity of this medicinal spice.

Those suffering from nausea as well as excessive threat can also try out cardamom. Along with some other medicines, it can be used for treating mouth ulcers. It is known to be a good cure for weakness in general. Some practitioners of Ayurevda also advise its use for treating infection of the urinary tract.

Cardamom is known to be helpful in balancing all three 'doshas' in the human body. Hence it is termed as "tridoshic”. A little quantity of cardamom is especially beneficial in balancing "kapha”. It can be used for balancing "vata" and "pitta" also.

Quality of Elaichi :
  • Small Elaichi
  • Big Elaichi 

Slideshow: Anatomy of a Sore Throat

Common Sore Throat or Strep?

We all know that raw, scratchy feeling in the back of the throat. The cause may be as simple as dry winter air, seasonal allergies, or a developing cold. But sometimes the culprit is strep, a bacterial infection that can be dangerous if untreated. Only your health care provider can make a firm diagnosis, but there are signs that may provide clues that you have strep rather than a common sore throat.

Are There Unusual Spots?

Mom has the right idea when she asks her kids to say "Ahhh." Looking inside the throat can reveal important clues about what’s causing the pain. Strep often produces white patches in the throat and on the tonsils, as well as red, swollen tonsils. Pus may be seen in the back of the throat. Other conditions besides strep can cause these signs as well. 

Are There Cold Symptoms?

Coughing and postnasal drip can make your throat feel bad, but these symptoms are less likely to occur with strep. When congestion, runny nose, and other cold symptoms accompany a sore throat, a cold virus is usually to blame.

How High Is the Fever?

Colds sometimes cause a fever, but it's generally low grade. A sore throat with a fever over 101 degrees Fahrenheit raises the likelihood of strep. However, strep can be present even with little or no fever.

Are the Lymph Nodes Swollen?

Strep throat may cause the lymph nodes in the neck to become swollen and tender. The lymph nodes are responsible for trapping and destroying germs. When part of the body is infected, the nearest lymph nodes tend to swell as they carry out their job.

How Much Does It Hurt?

A sore throat caused by a cold can be plenty painful, but it usually goes away after a couple of days. Strep throat tends to be more severe and persistent -- the pain may be so bad, it's hard to swallow. In some cases, strep may cause nausea, a lack of appetite, or pain in the head and abdomen.

Is There a Rash?

A less common sign of strep infection is a rash that appears on the neck and chest, eventually spreading to the rest of the body. When this rough, sandpaper-like rash develops, the infection is known as scarlet fever. Although the full body rash may be alarming, it will start to fade after a few days. Antibiotic treatment can help protect against complications of strep infection.

Strep Is a Bacterial Infection

The reason it's so important to distinguish between strep and a common sore throat is that strep is caused by a bacterial infection -- Group A Streptococcus -- and a simple sore throat is usually caused by a virus. Antibiotic treatment may lessen symptoms and duration of illness only if a bacteria is the cause. It will also decrease the chance for complications caused by strep. Without antibiotics, a strep infection may lead to complications that affect the heart or other organs. Though rare, this can cause serious illness. 

Colds and Antibiotics: Just Say No

You can't get rid of a cold-caused sore throat with antibiotics. That's because colds are caused by viruses, and antibiotics only work against bacteria. Besides, taking antibiotics unnecessarily can contribute to the growing problem of microbial resistance. When bacteria are frequently exposed to antibiotics, they may become "superbugs" that can't be treated with standard medications.

Rapid Strep Test

To decide whether a sore throat is caused by strep or a cold, your health care provider may use a rapid strep test. The results are ready in five to 10 minutes, but the test doesn't pick up all cases of strep. If the results are negative, your doctor may send a throat culture to the lab. This takes a couple days to complete.

Antibiotics for Strep

If you're diagnosed with strep, your doctor may prescribe 5 to 10 days of antibiotics or give you an antibiotic shot. You'll probably feel better in a day or two, but it's vital to take the entire course of antibiotics anyway -- otherwise some of the bacteria may survive. Remember, strep can still be contagious until 24 to 48 hours of taking antibiotics, so wash your hands often, and don't share utensils. And be sure to throw away your toothbrush after you’ve had strep.

Home Care for Sore Throats

Whether you've got a sore throat from strep or a cold, there are steps you can take at home to relieve the ache. One trick for soothing a sore throat is a saltwater gargle. Try mixing a teaspoon of salt into a glass of water to make this easy remedy, which can help keep the throat moist and reduce that raw, scratchy feeling. Be sure to spit out the saltwater when finished.

Humidifier or Vaporizer

Breathing in steam from a humidifier or vaporizer can keep a sore throat moist and cut down on pain. You can get the same result by leaning over a sink with hot running water. Drape a towel over your head to trap the steam and breathe deeply. Try this for five to 10 minutes several times a day.

Warm Compress

Try placing a warm heating pad against the outside of your throat. Or make your own warm compress by wetting a towel with hot water. This may be especially soothing if you have tender lymph nodes in the neck.

Soothing Foods

If you need an excuse to eat ice cream, a sore throat is a good one. The cold has a numbing effect, and the creamy texture makes it easy to swallow. This comfort food is also great for cheering up young (and not-so-young) patients. Other soothing foods include milk shakes, gelatin, and hot soup. With severe sore throats, it’s best to avoid crunchy or spicy foods.


Since fever and painful swallowing can lead to dehydration, it's important to increase your intake of fluids. Water and ginger ale are good choices. Avoid citrus drinks which can irritate an inflamed throat.

Pain Relievers

Over-the-counter pain relievers, like acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen, can temporarily dull the pain of a sore throat. Do not give aspirin to children and teenagers because of the risk of the rare but potentially fatal Reye's syndrome.

Sore Throat Sprays and Lozenges

You can also soothe a painful sore throat with a numbing spray or lozenge. Sucking on ice chips can also bring some relief. You can even carry a travel-size throat spray for relief on-the-go.


If you have a cold and a stuffy nose is draining into your throat and causing irritation, a decongestant may give you some relief. People with certain medical conditions and people taking certain medications may need to avoid the use of decongestants.

Persistent Sore Throat

If a sore throat lasts over a week or gets worse, check with your doctor again, even if an initial strep test came back negative. It's possible for a throat swab to miss bacteria, and you may need to be retested. A persistent sore throat could also be a sign of acid reflux, mononucleosis, or another condition. In rare cases, a sexually transmitted disease may be to blame.

Demystifying the H1N1 virus

Panic seems to have gripped the country as the number of cases of H1N1, or swine flu, are on the rise. But, what exactly is theH1N1 virus?

Dr Sherebanu Milky, a homeopath, explains, "Before 2009, it was said that people who were in close contact with pigs contracted the virus, but that's not the case anymore. It is now a rapidly-spreading air-borne disease that has been termed a pandemic. It's symptoms are like the common cold, such as sore throat, body ache, fever, fatigue, malaise, cough and runny nose. If not treated on time, this can lead to respiratory problems."

Dr Milky adds, "H1N1 can be treated with an anti-viral, but not antibiotics. To prevent swine flu, one should maintain personal hygiene and ensure that his/her surroundings are clean. Those most prone to the disease are kids aged around five and six, adults who are 65 years and above, people suffering from diseases like cancer, and pregnant women. One needs to have good immunity to keep this disease at bay."

Dr Oliver Rodrigues, a specialist in family medicine, says, "Everybody is panicking because it's being reported more often now in newspapers. Swine flu spreads the same way as any other cold and cough. If anyone in the family is diagnosed with H1N1, then others also need to be tested for it. If you have a cough, get it checked by a doctor, and if you don't feel better even after taking the prescribed medicines, then the doctor will ask for an H1N1 test."

-Sore throat
-Stuffy or runny nose
-Body ache

-The H1N1 virus can be treated with anti-virals
-The infected person should be kept in isolation

-Contain your cough and always cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing
-Sanitize your hands and wash them regularly
-Use disposable tissues instead of handkerchiefs
-Disinfect your house regularly
-Try and avoid using public toilets as far as possible
-If required, wear a mask when you travel out of the house as H1N1 is an air-borne disease
-Flu shots are recommended for kids and the elderly
-Incorporate tulsi in your regular diet in different forms to boost immunity

-Swine flu is transmitted through pork products
-There is no cure for swine flu
-A person can get H1N1 only once in their life
-Antibiotics can fight the flu
-The virus is dangerous only in the elderly

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Nutritional Value And Health Benefits Of Coriander Seeds

Health Benefits Of Coriander Seeds

What Are Coriander Seeds ?

The seeds are ready for harvest-time as the plants turn brown, leaves begin to dry and fall. Unripe seeds are light green and taste bitter. To harvest, the crop is cut, tied in small bundles, and dried in the sunlight for a couple of days. To separate the seeds, either the bundles hammered with stick or a lightweight roller used to wear off the pods.
Coriander is an ayurvedic medicinal herbaceous plant, that is vastly used as a flavoring substitute for its unique smell and taste. It is used as an necessary ingredient in the curries and other choice foods. It is commonly known as Kotgmir or Dhania.The name coriander in fact originated from the Greek word Koris meaning bedbug. This plant is considered to be endogenously from Greece, but it has become popularly used spice in nearly all of the Asian countries. The scientific name for Coriander is Coriandrum Sativum L.Coriander is native to Southeastern Europe and cultivated extensively all over India, China, Europe, Middle East,  and Turkey. It is identified as cilantro in the west. This herbaceous plant grows up to 2 feet in height with branching stems, appearing deep green delicate, bald, bi or tri-lobed leaves. The mature plant produces small light pink color flowers that later on turn into spherical or oval-shaped fruits (which are seeds). The seeds are oval, measure about 4-6 mm in diameter with interior hollow space containing two vertical vittae containing some significant essential oils.

Benefits Of Eating Coriander Seeds

Today, coriander is seeds and leaves are being used worldwide for culinary and medicinal purposes.Below  here are some of the benefit which are very useful for health.

1.Coriander Seeds for Menstruation

Coriander seeds are also helpful in the treatment of excessive menstruation. Take six grams of Coriander seeds boiled in half a litre of water, take this decoction off the fire when only half the water is left. Add  little sugar to it and should be taken when it is little warm. This is one of the popular home remedies for menstruation. Being stimulated in nature and serving proper emission from the endocrine glands, it also helps proper secretion of the hormones and thereby encouraging proper menstrual cycles and reducing pains, etc. during periods.

2.Coriander Seeds for  Weight Loss

Coriander has a natural diuretic drug property, which can benefit in weight loss. Coriander is a dried seed with sweet-smelling qualities that quicken digestion. Coriander is also used for healing of dermatitis rashes and hives. Coriander is as well useful to purify the blood and to reduce gas.

3.Coriander Seeds for  Swelling

Coriander seeds have Cineole, that is one of the 11 ingredients of the essential oils, and linoleic acid, existing in coriander, acquire anti rheumatoid and anti arthritic properties, that are very helpful for swelling caused due to these two reasons. For other people, such as swelling due to nonfunctional of kidney or anemia, it is viewed to be advantageous to some degree, as some of the ingredients help elimination of extra water from the body.

4.Coriander Seeds for High Cholesterol

Some of the acids present in coriander seeds like linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid;Stearic acid and ascorbic acid (like vitamin-C) are very productive in lowering the cholesterol level in the blood. They also reduce the cholesterol buildup along the internal walls of the blood vessels and veins.

5.Coriander Seeds for Diarrhea

Some of the basics of essential oils in coriander such as Borneol and Linalool are helpful in digestion, for proper functioning of liver, bonding of bowels and are also very helping to cure diarrhea. It is as well beneficial in diarrhea caused by microbial and fungal action. As basics like Cine-ole, Borneol, Limonene, Alpha-pinene & beta-phenylalanine have anti-bacterial effects. In addition, the fresh coriander leaves are superior appetizers.

6.Coriander Seeds for Mouth Ulcers

Citronella basics of essential oils in coriander, is an outstanding antiseptic. In addition, unlike components have anti microbial and healing effects, that do not let wounds and ulcers inside the mouth go worse. They aid curative up of ulcers and freshen up the breath.

7.Coriander Seeds for Digestion

Due to its rich aroma of coriander and its essential oils, it is apart from being an exceptional appetizer. Aids in proper release of enzymes and digestive fluids of the stomach also stimulates digestion and peristaltic motion. It is useful in treating troubles like anorexia.

8.Coriander Seeds for Small Pox

The essential oils in coriander are rich in anti microbial, anti oxidant, anti infectious and detoxicating basics and acids. The properties of  iron and vitamin-C  also strengthen the immune system. These properties aid to prevent and cure small pox. They also reduce the pain and have a relaxing effect on pox patients.

9.Coriander Seeds for Eyes

Coriander has lots of anti oxidants like vitamin-A, vitamin-C and various minerals like phosphorus as the essential oils in it, that prevents aging of eye, macular deterioration and comforts eyes against stress.coriander is a very good sterilizer and has anti-microbial properties, that protect the eyes from infectious diseases like conjunctivitis.

Medicinal Properties Of Coriander Seeds

Coriander seeds contain many plant derived chemical compounds that are known to have anti-oxidant, disease preventing, and health promoting properties.

1.Rich in Anti-Flatulent Properties:

The typical aromatic flavor of coriander seeds approaches from the various fatty acids and essential volatile oils. Various important fatty acids in the dried seeds include petroselinum acid, linoleic acid (known as omega-6), oleic acid, and palmitic acid. In addition, the seeds include essential oils such as linalool (68%), a-pinene (10%), geraniol, camphene, terpine etc. Together these active principles are liable for digestive, flatus-relieving, and anti-flatulent properties of the seeds.

2.Rich in Fiber Diet :

As like other spices, coriander is also rich in of dietetical fiber. 100 g seeds provide 41.9 g of fiber. A lot of this fiber is metabolically inert insoluble fiber, that helps to raise a bulk of the food by absorbing water throughout the digestive system and aid easing constipation situation.

3.Rich in Nutrients & Antioxidants :

Coriander seeds in addition possess dietary fibers bind to bile salts (produced from cholesterol) and subordinate their re-absorption in colon, in this way help to subordinate serum LDL cholesterol levels. In conjunction with flavonoid anti-oxidants, fiber composition of coriander aids to protect the colon mucus membrane from cancers. Unlike different dry spice seeds that are lacked in vitamin C, coriander seeds contain a large quantity of this anti-oxidant vitamin. 100 g of dried seeds give 21 mg or 35% of RDI of this vitamin.

4.Rich in Minerals Food:

The Coriander seeds are an excellent source of minerals like magnesium, iron,calcium, copper, calcium,zinc and potassium. Copper is essential in the production of red blood cells. Iron is necessary for cell metabolism and red blood cell creation. Zinc is a co-factor in various enzymes that control growth and development of sperm generation, digestion and nucleic acid synthesis. Potassium is a foremost element of cell and body fluids that aids in controlling heart rate and blood pressure. Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the powerful anti-oxidant enzyme and superoxide dismutase.

How To Improve Digestion Power Naturally : Ayurvedic Herbs For Digestion

Ayurvedic Herbs For Digestion : How To Improve Digestion Power Naturally

According to Ayurveda, healthy digestion plays an essential part in organizing good health and well-being. When the digestive process fails to perform optimally, the body turns out to be clogged, blocking circulation and inhibitory activity of toxins out of the body. Hence it is essential that persons work to establish good digestion.
Ayurveda is an antediluvian framework of therapeutic from India that focuses on the balance the five elements, being air, fire, water, ether and earth. According to ayurvedic, the body is constructed of these elements. Ailment takes place when the balance is out,so medication must be executed to help to restore this equilibrium. The five elements, when combined in different compounds make up the three “doshas” or “biological modes” that involve the nature of creatures and of all things.
The elements can change into out of balance on account of any one of these factors; poor diet, unhealthy lifestyle, disease, mental problems, stress, and other destabilizing forces. Hence, ayurvedic therapy targets on bringing about balance by the diet, use of herbs, exercise, and good lifestyle choices. In spite of the fact that Ayurvedic remedies have been used thousands of years ago, this form of therapeutics is still aliveness and practiced by millions of people all over the world. The idea of stabilizing one’s elements using diet, lifestyle, and ayurvedic therapies is appetizing and can apply to anyone not simply for Indian.

Ayurvedic Herbs For Digestion

There are various recipes, lifestyle adaptations and herbs advised to correct a variety of disturbances. The following ayurvedic treatments offer a simple way to fight digestive ailments.
1. Ginger (Zinziber officinalis): A traditional treatment for arthritis, dyspepsia, flatulence, colic, painful stomach conditions and nausea; ginger is an excellent digestive, anti-inflammatory and blood thinner. It holds proteolytic enzyme;enzymes are known to have anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger in addition has anti-oxidant and anti-platelet mass activities, and it growth’s circulation. Chewing ginger ahead meals help to digest the food. According to Ayurvedic ethics, indigestion is the first beginning of inflammatory diseases. It recommended dose of ginger is 2-10 grams with meals, but those people are on blood-thinning medication must not take more than 2 grams per day.
2. Amla (Emblica officinalis):Amla fruit, familiar as the Indian gooseberry, is one of the richest sources of bioflavonoids and Vitamin C. This plum-sized fruit is respected for its anti-aging and immune-enhancing properties. Study has shown that the potency of 8. 7mg of natural Vitamin C complex from Amla is equal to 100mg of synthetic Vitamin C. In addition to its antioxidant properties; Amla, moreover, has been antifungal, anti hepatotoxic, anti-inflammatory and rejuvenate properties.
3. Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula): Haritaki is a rich source of  succinic acid, fructose, tannins, amino acids, acids, and beta sitosterol. Studies have shown that it has anti-viral properties that can fight against cytomegalovirus and its anti-bacterial properties against Salmonella, E-coli and Cholera. Ayurvedic literary texts specify that Haritaki’s is a good digestive aid and have properties to eliminative toxic accumulation. In the Haritaki fruit One-third of third of consist of astringent substances such as tannic acid, chebulic acid, gallic acid and chebulinic acid, all these qualities are considered powerful anti-oxidants. Haritaki also holds the anthraquinone, purgatives and sennoside in small quantities.
4. Pipply ( Piper longum): Charak, the principal of Ayurveda, has defined this plant as an appetite stimulator, anticolic, antitussive, and aids in building hostility to disease. Its alkaloids, piperine, piper longuminine and dihydrostigmasterol, have been shown to boost the absorption of drugs manifold. Various analyses have also shown that whole fruit has anti-allergenic properties. The Piper longum’s irritant action increases gastric juice secretions
5. Bahera (Terminalia belerica): Bahera has a rich source of tannins, that have  shown surprising results in treating symptoms of chronic sinusitis and asthama. Institutional experiments have also indicated it’s anti-histaminic, antitussive, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. The latest study conducted in Kerala, India has displayed an anti-HIV and anti-malarial effect.

Ayurvedic Lifestyle Tips For Good Digestion

Ayurveda suggests us to eat slowly, in a relaxing setting, alone or with persons with whom we experience relaxed. It is also significant not to eat while you are upset. While eating you must not be watching television or talking while you chew food.  Do not drink cold water while eating; this weakens your digestive fluids, rather sip warmed water or a stimulating tea such as long pepper tea or ginger tea.
It is very essential that you eat only when you are hungry, giving over enough time between meals that is about 4-6 hours. Consuming at dissimilar times each day creates irregular enzyme releases thus may slow down digestion. The biggest meal of the day must be lunch, when digestion is strongest.
Perfect food proportion will differ from person to person relying on body type, weight, height and digestive power. Vata persons and those with Vata disorders must eat small, frequent, and easily digestible meals in order to sustain their blood sugar well-balanced. Warm foods are also essential for the Vata people. Pita characters and those with Pita disarrays have large hungers and besides need to eat repeated and easily digested meals, but their food must be cooler in nature. Kapha character’s people have to eat only a couple of meals a day as they have a tendency to gain weight.
Before you eat, meditate on the food as it is very essential to establish a relationship with food this meditation will allow you to digest various qualities of the food. The aroma and color, will also support to animate the digestive process
Seat quietly after each meal, for 3-5 minutes and later take a short walk, this will help in stabilizing the mental, emotional and physical characteristics of the digestive system.