Saturday, May 30, 2015

रात में दही क्‍यूं नहीं खानी चाहिये, जानिये आयुर्वेदिक कारण

Curd At Night
वैसे तो दही सबके लिये फायदेमंद होती है लेकिन आयुर्वेद के अनुसार इसे रात को खाने से बचना चाहिये। रात के वक्‍त दही शरीर में कफ दोष बढ़ाती है। आयुर्वेद की माने तो रात के वक्‍त हमारे शरीर में कफ की प्राकृतिक प्रबलता बढ जाती है। इसलिये रात को दही का सेवन नहीं करना चाहिये क्‍योंकि यह समस्‍या को और भी ज्‍यादा बढा देगी जिससे पेट का रोग होगा। FREE COUPON SALE: Up to 80% Off on Products at Jabong दही टेस्‍ट में खट्टी, तासीर में गर्म और पचाने में भारी होती है। यह वसा, ताकत, कफ, पित्त, पाचन शक्ति बढ़ाती है। शरीर में यदि सूजन आदि हो तो, दही खाने से हमेशा बचना चाहिये क्‍योंकि यह सूजन को और भी ज्‍यादा बढ़ा देती है। ध्‍यान दें, कि यह बात केवल खट्टी दही खाने के बारे में कही जा रही है। खट्टी दही को कभी भी गरम कर के नहीं खाना चाहिये। दही को ना केवल रात में ही बल्‍कि बसंत में भी नहीं खाना चाहिये। READ: दही फेस पैक से चेहरा बनाएं चमकदार और स्वस्थ पेट की समस्‍या हो या फिर पेशाब से संबन्‍धित समस्‍या, दही को शहद, घी, चीनी और आंवले के साथ खाने पर राहत मिलती है। आयुर्वेद के नियम के अनुसार दही को जितना हो सके रात में खाने से बचना चाहिये। पर अगर आप को दही खानी ही खानी है तो दही खाते वक्‍त उसमें चुटकी भर काली मिर्च पावडर मिला लेना चाहिये। आप इसमें मेथी पावडर भी मिला सकते हैं। यह पेट से संबन्‍धित रोगों को भी दूर कर देगी। रात को दही में शक्‍कर मिला कर बिल्‍कुल भी ना खाएं। दही की जगह पर आप बटर मिल्‍क यानी मठ्ठा या छाछ का सेवन करें तो अति उत्‍तम होगा।

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

22 Health Benefits of Ginger Root & Ginger Tea

Ginger is not often used by the majority of Americans, even though it commonly appears in the kitchens of countries across the globe. With so many healthy properties to it, it makes sense to start adding this to more of your dishes, or to start brewing a daily glass of ginger tea. It’s easy enough to make ginger tea, simply add boiling water to slices of ginger root. Adding lemon is a way to make it taste better and get more benefits from it.

Prevention and Treatment

Fights Cancer – There are particular cancers that ginger has been shown to help treat, including ovarian cancer. Research has proven that ginger can act to literally obliterate ovarian cancer cells. Even more promising is that the cells actually end up killing and attacking themselves. This is good news for those that already have cancer, and reason enough to start having more ginger show up in your diet if you’re currently cancer-free.

Helps with Irritable Bowel Syndrome – Those suffering from IBS will be happy to note that getting more ginger should spell relief from the symptoms of the condition. The interesting thing to note is that it doesn’t seem to matter how you get the ginger into your system, whether including more ginger root in your cooking, taking ginger supplements, or brewing ginger tea, they all seem to have a calming effect on the bowels and digestive system.

Protects Against Alzheimer’s Disease – If Alzheimer’s runs in your family, or you are just worried about coming down with the debilitating disease, you should think about incorporating more ginger into your diet and daily routine. Research has shown that ginger helps to slow down the loss of brain cells that typically is a precursor to Alzheimer’s. By protecting and preserving these cells you are prolonging the amount of good years you have being alert and coherent and aware of your surroundings.

Weight Loss

Stimulates Appetite – If you have a sluggish digestive system and find that you need to get your digestive fires going before a meal, ginger can help. It may be the case that you don’t produce enough stomach acid, and ginger can act as an appetite stimulant, getting your digestive juices revved up so that you are able to digest your meal better. Improper digestion of foods leaves them fermenting in your digestive tract, and can contribute to weight gain.

Helps with Weight Loss – Losing weight is one of the most significantly positive things you can do for your overall health, and ginger can play an integral role in the process. The reason is because it acts as a fat burner, specifically helping to make sure that the weight you’re losing is from fat, and not just general weight or water loss. Another factor that helps shed the pounds is that ginger helps you feel full, so you’ll eat less and feel fuller longer, reducing your overall caloric intake.

Relieves Tired Muscles – The sort of muscle tiredness you get after strength training is the type that ginger works best on. This means that your muscles will recover better and allow you to take part in cardio workouts on your off days. It means you’ll be more likely to be more active instead of being out of commission on the days following your weight lifting workouts. Increased lean muscle mass generally equates to natural weight loss as you burn calories around the clock.

Helps Manage Glucose Levels – Research out of Australia suggests that ginger can help keep blood glucose levels in check. This is important because these levels have a direct impact on weight loss and weight gain, as well as how energetic or lethargic you feel throughout the day. If you’ve noticed that you get a midday crash it’s likely due to your blood sugar levels, and adding ginger to your lunch might help you stay focused and on task. An all-natural alternative to products like 5 Hour “Energy”.

Helps the Body Absorb Nutrients – When you’re trying to lose weight getting the right nutrients is essential. But if your body is overweight and not used to getting the nutrients it needs, it may have become used to not getting the required vitamins and now it doesn’t properly absorb them. More ginger means that you’ll be better absorbing the sort of nutrients that will help you in your pursuit and get you better results more quickly with the same amount of effort.

General Health and Well-Being

Helps with Morning Sickness – Pregnant women might want to opt for more ginger intake when they are suffering from bouts of morning sickness. The ginger acts as calming agent, and when compared to a placebo came through with shining colors in clinical tests. It’s always fun when an all-natural remedy gets backed by scientific research. It’s as if science is finally figuring out that natural herbs and foods have great value.

Reduces Arthritic Inflammation – The anti-inflammatory nature of ginger means that it can help with a host of inflammation-based conditions and diseases. Not least of which is arthritis, which millions of American suffer from, with millions more diagnosed each years as the baby boomer population grow older. There is even a bit of a pain relief characteristic to ginger, which is welcome news to those that don’t want to take a pill every day to relieve pain.

Opens Up Inflamed Airways – If you have asthma you have likely been scouring the Internet for ways to help open up your airways that don’t involve taking steroid-based medications. Ginger has been shown to open up airways by reducing inflammation, and it can also relieve any pain symptoms caused by the problem. This may not solve your asthma condition on its own, but it can be used as part of a comprehensive approach.

Improves Circulation – Ginger gets the blood in your body flowing, which will give you a feeling of having more energy, and can help you with any feelings of sluggishness or fatigue. It’s a great thing to drink if you live in a cold climate, because it will provide the sort of warmth you’re really after, the kind that comes from the inside and radiates out. This is because it is opening your pores and getting your overall circulation functioning better.

Looking for more superfoods? See why you should be using coconut oil & drinking green tea whenever you can.

Minor Ailments

Heals Frostbite – Here’s a handy tip to remember if you ever come down with a case of frostbite. You can drink ginger tea during your recovery process to speed things along. Ginger will help to improve your circulation, which helps your body return the affected parts back to their normal state. You don’t have to drink very much of it in order to get the desired results, just about 8 ounces a day is all that’s necessary to have it work.

Stops Motion Sickness – Ginger has long been used as a natural remedy for motion sickness. It is most effective when used as a deterrent to motion sickness when on the water. It’s so good at what it does that it has even been shown to outdo OTC medications like Dramamine. It knocks out all of the accompanying symptoms of motion sickness, so you don’t have to worry about getting dizzy, feeling nauseous, breaking into cold sweats, or worse, puking out the window or over the side of the boat.

Blocks Acid from Heartburn – If you frequently get heartburn, you should consider using ginger as a way to get around it. The excess acid that leads to the condition can be undone by the properties of ginger. The nice thing is that ginger is far more economical than an over-the-counter drug or a prescription drug on most health plans. Another side benefit is that there are no side effects to taking it, and it can be used for the long term with no worries.

Relieves Gas – Gas can be embarrassing at the wrong times, and there are a ton of anti-gas products on the market. If you’re looking for a more natural way to treat it you should start buying and using more ginger. Ginger tea is easy enough to make and drink and if you drink it before you go to sleep you can let it work overnight while you’re sleeping. It should act to clear out your digestive system and neutralize the problem from the inside.

Provides Pain Relief – No matter what type of pain you’re suffering from, ginger can act as a natural pain reliever. It’s interesting to think that a root that grows in nature can actually affect how much pain you’re experiencing. It works on a hormonal level, and the anti-inflammatory nature means that overall you should have fewer aches and pains. Consider starting your morning with a cup of ginger tea and see if you notice improvements throughout the day.

Clears Sinuses – If you’re looking for sinus relief without having to resort to an over-the-counter drug, turn to ginger first. There is an active ingredient in ginger that has shown to work wonders on the sinuses, helping to unclog them and facilitate drainage. All you need to do is brew a nice cup of hot ginger tea to get the benefits without the use of medications with possible side effects.

Improves Your Breath – Unlike other foods like garlic, ginger can actually help to improve the status of your breath. Eaten towards the end of your meal it can cleanse the palate and leave your mouth feeling refreshed. You can also drink it as a beverage mixed with simple hot water. It’s a great way to flush out your mouth and neutralize a bad taste in your mouth, like the dreaded “coffee breath” from drinking coffee.

Super Spice

Increases Sexual Desire – With an increased function in the circulatory system, it’s no wonder that ginger has been referenced as an aphrodisiac for thousands of years. It didn’t take long for people to make the connection that after consuming ginger they felt an extra pep in their step and felt like things were firing on all cylinders. The nice part is that it works for both sexes equally, since both the clitoris and penis rely heavily on circulation in order to become aroused and engorged.

Strengthens Immunity – This is a fantastic feature to ginger that should pique the curiosity of anyone that was contemplating taking it or not. An improved immune system can mean that you get sick less often, that you recover more quickly when you do get sick, and that even if everyone else around you is coming down with an illness you can stay healthy. The research behind this property is solid, this is another instance where science is backing up an all-natural remedy.

Protects Against Nuclear Radiation – Hopefully not something you have to worry about in the near future, but still good to know in case World War III breaks out. But those living near the Fukushima disaster area have given strong consideration to upping their ginger intake with this news. If you want to get the full benefits of this feature you’ll have to have a daily dose of ginger so it’s in your system, and stays there.

Hopefully you’ve seen that it’s a good idea to add ginger to your list of things to buy on your next grocery trip. No matter what format you choose, whether you want to use ginger root in your meals, brew some ginger tea, or buy it in supplement form, you should be able to experience its many benefits. Just be sure that if you get it in supplement form you’re getting an organic brand, free of any other fillers.

Ginger FAQ

Does ginger boost metabolism?

One of ginger’s properties is to increase your metabolism, but it does so only slightly, and not enough to rely on as the sole way of getting the job done. But as far as part of a comprehensive plan to boost your metabolism, including increasing the amount of lean muscle you have, it could create a synergistic effect and leave you in a state of 24 hour fat burning.

Will ginger make you sleepy?

Because of its calming nature on many systems of the body, a common question is whether ginger will make you sleepy or drowsy. There are other properties of ginger that make it unlikely that it will make you sleepy. It increases the circulation and most users report that it gives them more energy, not less. When it is time for sleep though, ginger may help remove toxins that used to lead to sleeplessness, allowing you to fall asleep more easily.

Is ginger calming?

Because ginger improves the circulation, many report a feeling of warmth, and subsequent calm after taking it. It also has calming and soothing properties for the internal organs due to its anti-inflammatory effects. Many times ginger ale is served to someone that has an upset stomach, due to its calming properties.

Does ginger give you energy?

It may give you energetic feelings because it is increasing the circulatory system, allowing the blood inside you to move more freely throughout the body. The sensation this provides is one where you feel the get up and go that you once did in your younger years. It’s hard to define just what energy means, but this should help you feel like you can be more active.

Will ginger make you poop?

There is some anecdotal evidence that ginger helps keep you regular, or acts as a laxative, but it is not as reliable as other all-natural herbs and spices that are known to get things moving. Because it helps to cleanse your digestive tract, it can also lead to more frequent bowel movements, but isn’t by itself typically used to stimulate the bowels.

Is ginger easy to digest?

For most people ginger is easy to digest, and actually aids in the digestion of other foods. Of course there are cases where some have reported having trouble digesting and processing ginger. If you are worried about being able to process it properly, start off with a little bit and see how you respond to it, gradually increasing your intake as you get the all clear from your body.

Does ginger boost the immune system?

One of the properties of ginger is that it does help to strengthen the immune system. Studies have shown that cancer patients taking daily supplements of ginger are able to recover more quickly from anti-cancer procedures compared to those that take nothing or a placebo.

Is ginger high in vitamins?

Ginger isn’t really known for the high amount of vitamins it contains, but rather the effect it has on the body directly. It has small amounts of Vitamin A and C, but nothing to write home about.

Does ginger cause gas?

It shouldn’t, in fact it helps to neutralize gases from forming in your digestive system, and drinking ginger tea on a regular basis should cut down on the amount of gas you have overall.

Is ginger low carb?

There are 18 grams of carbs in 100 grams of ginger, so it’s about 18% carbs. Compare that to 80% of rice coming from carbs. It would likely fit well into a low-carb diet, and should help you feel full for longer periods of time, helping to overcome the strong feelings of hunger that come from low-carb diets.

Does ginger dehydrate you?

Ginger acts as a diuretic, so if you don’t keep yourself properly hydrated you might find that you get dehydrated more quickly. Be sure to drink an extra glass of water to account for your ginger intake.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Home Remedies to Increase Sperm Count

Inadequate sperm production and quality is one of the most common reasons for male infertility as it decreases the odds of one of the sperms fertilizing the egg for conception.
According to the World Health Organization, the normal concentration of sperm is at least 20 million per ml of semen. Fewer than 15 million sperm per ml is considered a low sperm count, also called oligozoospermia. Conception problems are associated with fewer than 40 million moving sperm in the ejaculate.
Oligoospermia can happen due to a wide variety of reasons and contributing factors like hormonal abnormalities, infected semen, infection in the prostate gland, varicoceles (enlargement of veins within the scrotum), damaged sperm ducts, use of anabolic steroids, cigarette smoking, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, toxic chemicals, certain medications, heavy metal exposure and radiation. Even vaginal lubricants tend to be toxic to sperm.
Recent studies indicate that heating of the testicles due to electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) may also contribute to low sperm count. Thus, habits like keeping a laptop on your lap and a cell phone in your pants pocket are often discouraged.
Various natural remedies and other tips can help increase your sperm count and also improve sperm quality.

Here are the top 10 home remedies to increase sperm count.

1. Maca Root

Maca root of the black variety can help improve sperm production and motility. It is a popular fertility herb that helps balance the hormones.
Take 1 to 3 teaspoons of maca root in 2 divided doses for a few months daily. You can add it to a glass of water, a healthy smoothie or protein shake, or just sprinkle it on cereal. As maca root is high in fiber, start by taking ½ teaspoon and gradually increase the dosage over a few weeks.

2. Ashwagandha

A 2013 pilot study by Indian researchers, published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, found that ashwagandha root extract can significantly increase sperm count, semen volume and sperm motility. The study participants were given 675 mg of ashwagandha root extract in 3 divided doses, daily for 90 days.
Plus, this herb promotes healthy testosterone production. It also improves your overall health, increases vitality and reduces stress and anxiety.
  • Mix ½ teaspoon of ashwagandha powder, also known as Indian ginseng, in a glass of warm milk. Drink it twice daily for a few months.
  • Another option is to take ashwagandha root extract. Consult your doctor for proper dosage.

3. Panax Ginseng

Panax ginseng, also known as Korean ginseng, is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine to help the body adapt to stress. It also can be used to increase testosterone, and sperm count and motility to enhance male fertility. Panax ginseng can help improve erectile performance as well.
Take 1 to 3 capsules of 500 mg Panax ginseng daily for at least 3 months. Consult your doctor before starting this or any other supplement regimen.

4. Garlic

Garlic acts as a natural aphrodisiac and increases sperm production. It contains a compound called allicin, which boosts the endurance of the sperm and also improves blood circulation. Plus, the mineral selenium in garlic helps improve sperm motility.
Simply include 1 or 2 crushed garlic cloves in your daily diet.

5. Tribulus

Tribulus terrestris, also known as gokshura, is an Ayurvedic remedy to increase sperm count and improve sperm quality as it can enhance hormone levels. A 2012 study by Indian researchers also found this aphrodisiac herb to be helpful in treating oligozoospermia (low sperm count).
Take 1 to 3 capsules of 500 mg Tribulus terrestris daily for a few months, but only after consulting your doctor.

6. Moderate Exercise

Studies have found that moderate exercise can help boost healthy sperm production. In fact, a 2013 study published online in the British Journal of Sports Medicine indicates that the increase in sedentary lifestyle among young men has lead to a decline in the overall quality of semen.
The study found that young men who lived a sedentary lifestyle and watched more than 20 hours of television a week had a 50% lower sperm count compared to those who did not watch much TV.
On the other hand, those who engaged in at least 15 hours of moderate exercise a week had better sperm quality and 73% higher sperm count than those who engaged in little or no exercise.
To increase your sperm count, do some type of physical exercise for at least 1 hour a day on a regular basis. Outdoor physical activities (except cycling) as well as weight training are also beneficial.

7. Damiana

Damiana is another useful herb for low sperm count. It also calms the nerves, relieves anxiety and mental exhaustion, and acts as a muscle relaxant.
  • Steep ¼ teaspoon of dried damiana leaves in a cup of boiling water for 5 to 10 minutes. Strain the solution and sweeten with a little honey. Drink it up to 3 times a day for a few months.
  • You can also take this herb in supplement form after consulting your doctor.

8. Saw Palmetto

saw palmetto

Saw palmetto, commonly used for prostate health, is another useful herb to increase sperm count. It is also good for treating erectile dysfunction.
Take 160 mg of saw palmetto extract twice daily for a few months, after consulting your doctor. The supplement should be standardized to contain 85 to 95% fatty acids and sterols.

9. Horny Goat Weed

horny goat weed-opt
Horny goat weed is a time-tested aphrodisiac commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. It helps increase sperm production and treat erectile dysfunction. Horny goat weed supplements, however, have not been tested for safety as yet.
Take 250 to 500 mg of horny goat weed supplement daily for a few months, after consulting your doctor.

10. Green Tea

green tea
Research suggests that the high antioxidants in green tea have good fertility-boosting potential as they neutralize free radicals that can damage sperm cells.
According to a 2012 study published in the journal Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, low doses of a compound called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) present in green tea can improve sperm quality, including motility, thus improving its potential for fertilization. However, higher concentrations of EGCG can have an opposite effect. Thus, further studies are still required.
Drink 1 or 2 cups of green tea daily to enjoy enhanced fertility as well as overall health.
Additional Tips
  • Go organic in terms of food as well as other products, such as deodorants and other cosmetics, to avoid toxic chemicals.
  • Eat foods rich in vitamin C, zinc, selenium, folic acid and omega-3 fatty acids, such as pumpkin seeds, walnuts, Brazil nuts, sesame seeds, flaxseeds, chia seeds, spinach, eggs, lentils, beans, broccoli, tomatoes and oranges. You can also take nutritional supplements after consulting your doctor.
  • Avoid the use of plastic bottles, containers and other items made of plastic to reduce xenoestrogen (environmental estrogen) exposure.
  • Do not wear tight briefs or boxers.
  • Steer clear of hot baths and saunas to avoid heating the testicles, which is detrimental to normal sperm production.
  • Manage stress as it can interfere with the hormones that help produce sperms.
  • Keep your weight in check.
  • Get proper sleep.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

10 Tips for Longer Lasting Sex

When we started offering free personalized sex advice on our website, we knew we would get some interesting questions. But one of the most common questions we are asked is also the most simple. Everyone wants to know how to last longer in bed!
While there are specific techniques for guys who want to last longer in bed (and we offer a free ebook on the subject), what most people want to know is how to make their erotic experience last longer from start to finish. They want a more satisfying, exciting erotic experience overall, not just longer intercourse. So for everyone who wants to know how to last longer in bed and have more fulfilling sexual encounters, read on. Here are our top 10 suggestions on how to last longer in bed.
More from YourTango: How To Prolong Foreplay
1. Savor The Seduction
Many long term couples schedule sex, a common strategy to make sure intimacy doesn’t fall to the bottom of their to-do lists. If you know you have a sex date coming up, begin seducing your lover a few days in advance. And even if you don’t have a date night planned, make the effort to seduce your lover all week long. On your own, start thinking about what you might like to experience. Do you want a relaxing full body massage? Or perhaps you want to be a bit wilder this week? Let your own anticipation build, tease your lover by telling them how excited you are for your date night and notice what happens. When you get your mind on board, your body will start anticipating the big event.
2. Kiss Like A Teenager
Remember when you were a teenager, and would make out for hours on the couch? Remember the thrill, the excitement of simply kissing? Where did that thrill go? It’s time to find it again. If you really want to know how to last longer in bed, start by spending more time kissing. Really make out, letting your lips and hands explore one another’s clothed bodies. Take turns kissing and being kissed. Kiss with lips only for awhile, and enjoy this most basic form of intimacy. Let the desire begin building up in your body!
3. Undress Slowly
You don’t have to offer an elaborate strip tease to enjoy the process of undressing together (though, that could be a good twist to your date night!). Simply take the opportunity to enjoy watching one another undress. Many couples start with a shower, either alone or together. Linger in the bathroom together, and enjoy looking at each other. If you have body shame or don’t like being seen, dare yourself to allow your lover to see you in your nude glory. Trust that they find you beautiful (after all, of the billions of bodies on this earth, they have chosen yours!) and allow the charge to build as you drink one another in with your eyes. Tell your lover what you find hot about their body, and gracefully receive any compliments they offer you.
4. Start With Massage
One of the hardest parts about squeezing sex into a busy life is making the transition from your everyday life to the erotic zone. The absolute best way to de-stress and get turned on is by sharing massage with your lover. Learn how to offer deep, satisfying massage at home and take five or ten minutes to exchange massage before you start making love. Massage encourages you to relax and breathe deeply. A great foot massage, back massage or (our favorite) butt massage will prime your body for more pleasure. Every minute of massage feels like an eternity of pleasure, making it a perfect tool for anyone who wants to know how to last longer in bed!
More from YourTango: Want Your Guy To Last Longer During Sex?
5. Explore Every Inch
After you have warmed up one another’s bodies with luxurious massage, transition to the erotic zone by exploring every inch of each other. Use a wide range of erotic touch techniques, from a featherlight caress to rough scratching to touch your lover’s entire body. Tease your lover by getting oh-so-close to their most sensitive spots and then circling away. Explore sensitive areas like the neck, wrists and behind the knees. Pay close attention to how your lover responds and you’ll quickly find some new favorite ways to turn them on!
6. Take Turns
One of the top ways of learning how to last longer in bed is a playground golden rule: take turns! Many couples have sex in a constant give-and-take pleasure mode, touching their lover at the same time they are being touched, rushing towards the finish line together. Choose to take turns and your sex will last way longer and be way more satisfying. Take turns being the Giver and Receiver. As Receiver, your job is to relax and receive as much pleasure as you can. As Giver, you get to lavish your lover with pleasure. Learn how to use your hands to pleasure your lover and take them on a journey of arousal!
7. Explore Creating Peaks and Valleys
Many people have what we call “balloon sex,” building up arousal as quickly as possible, getting very tense and then ‘popping!” This usually means sex lasts only a few short minutes. To expand your pleasure and last longer in bed, start thinking about exploring peaks and valleys of arousal, rather than one steep climb. This is a key concept of the edging technique that we teach to men who want to know how to last longer in bed: bring your arousal up as high as you can without climaxing, and then back away. Touch the rest of the body, take a few deep breaths and relax as much as you can. Then build up again towards climax. You can practice creating as many “peaks and valleys” of arousal as you can. Make it a game, tease your lover and see just how long you can keep them going! With a bit of practice, you’ll both discover how to last longer in bed and become erotic athletes together!
More from YourTango: The Difficulties to Last Longer in Bed
8. Breathe, Baby, Breathe!
If you want to last longer in bed, learn how to breathe more fully! Focusing on your breath will expand how much pleasure you can feel, and relax the tension that often builds during arousal. If you are feeling overwhelmed or anxious during sex, take a few deep breaths and notice what happens. If you are being stimulated and want the pleasure to last longer, take a few deep breaths and you’ll be able to soar even higher. Breath is one of the best kept sexual secrets: try it out and see what happens!
9. Amplify The Intimacy
Once you have made the effort to get into a loving, erotic zone with your partner, take full advantage of it and stay suspended in the bliss of that connection. Choose to get more intimate and draw out the experience. Don’t focus just on learning how to last longer in bed — choose to make lovemaking even more emotional and soulful! As you are making love, make eye contact with your lover and hold it longer than is first comfortable. Eye contact during sex is extremely intimate and vulnerable. Dare to do it anyway! Or, increase your intimacy by talking to your lover and telling them how much they mean to you. Let your emotions flow, whatever they may be in the moment. Some women even find themselves crying during or after sex: create the conditions where you can cry, express your emotions fully and allow your partner to simply witness you and love you, without needing to understand or fix anything! Choose to get more intimate with your lover and you’ll find sex lasting longer and fulfilling you on a deeper level.
10. Ask For More
If your lover is spent but you can keep going, don’t be shy to ask for more. Even if your lover can’t take any more pleasure in their own body, they may be willing to give more to you. Once you are in the zone, stay there as long as you choose. Even if your lover is totally exhausted, chances are, after a bit of a rest, they will be inspired by your energy and join in again. Time for round two!
Learning how to last longer in bed isn’t simply about making one sexual act last longer: it is about choosing to extend your sexual experience and savor the opportunity to exchange lots of pleasure with your lover. You can make it last longer by slowing down in the beginning, expanding the arousal you are capable of feeling, and drawing out the climax for as long as possible. Let’s face it: you work hard, and making the time for sex can be challenging. So once you are there and “in the zone,” choose to expand your experience and make it last longer! You’ll be more sexually satisfied, experience more intimacy and be surprised at just how much pleasure you are capable of feeling!
Any questions? We offer free personalized sex advice at You can also join our weekly newsletter for free sex advice, exclusive giveaways and more!

8 Incredible Health Benefits of Pine Nuts

8 Incredible Health Benefits of Pine Nuts
November to January is the only time I get to eat pine nuts, because here in India we don’t make pesto often, and don’t really use pine nuts in cooking. But recently, an early gift box gave me the pleasure of shelling and enjoying them raw, and I still have a big handful of them in my pantry, so I decided to explore their health benefits and ideas on how to use them.
Here’s a glance at what I found:
1. Pine nuts are rich in Vitamins A and lutein, both of which are known to support sharper vision.
2. They contain heart-friendly monounsaturated fat.
3. Pine nuts build stronger bones, thanks to their Vitamin D content.
4. They boost immunity, because they’re rich in Vitamin C.
5. Pine nuts contain pinoleic acid, which makes you feel fuller faster, and thus aids in weight loss.
6. They are a good source of iron, which is good news for the circulatory and nervous system.
7. The little nut fights free radicals, thus giving Father Time a run for his money.
8. The protein and magnesium in pine nuts makes them an excellent source of energy, so whenever you’re feeling tired, pop a few and feel like new!
Now that I’m convinced of their healing power, I need some good ideas on what to do with pine nuts. Pesto and salad I have tried. What else can I do to harness their goodness? Do write in with your suggestions; I’d love to hear them!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Reclaim your Youth after Delivery:The Ideal Gift for all you New Mothers

New motherhood brings joy and surprises, along with sleepless nights and changes in our physique and sex life. Pregnancy can thus take a toll on our bodies, affecting our breasts, tummies, legs and more. After pregnancy, especially multiple pregnancies or unusually large births or twins, women find it difficult to return to their pre pregnancy shape. Pregnancy can cause the stomach skin to stretch beyond natural repair and breast shape and elasticity can also get damaged.

Whether you choose a healthy regimen of diet and exercise, minimally invasive cosmetic treatments, cosmetic procedures or all of the above, you might also consider a Mommy Makeover to get back in shape. The term ‘Mommy Makeover’ has been used to describe the common surgical procedures used to improve the changes that women see with their bodies after pregnancy. The concept has gained popularity over the years among women wanting to achieve their pre pregnancy body shape- and typically involves a Tummy Tuck, Breast Augmentation and/or a Breast Lift.

A combination of all these procedures can often help these mothers achieve the shape and feeling that enhances their feeling of well-being and fitness.

Following pregnancy and breastfeeding, a physiologic event, the breast, the abdomen, possibly the thighs and the vagina undergo changes. As a result the following procedures may be indicated:
Breast Surgery
Body Re contouring / tummy tuck
Vaginoplasty (indicated only in vaginal deliveries as a rule)

Breast Surgeries

Breast augmentation: Breast augmentation is a type of plastic surgery performed to improve the appearance of a woman's bustline. It involves the insertion of breast implants into the breast mounds to add volume and enhance shape.
Breast lift for droopy breasts (May at times require a breast implant for loss of volume).
Breast reduction to reduce large breasts enlarged further post pregnancy and is accompanied by a lift.
Body Contouring

Liposuction: Liposuction is surgery to improve the contour of your body by removing pockets of excess fat from specific areas of the body.

Abdominoplasty:This procedure has many variants like
Mini tummy tuck where in the laxicity is only below the belly button and hence a predetermined portion of skin and fat is removed keeping the scar in the panty line.
With relocation of belly button and tightening of the abdominal wall- this procedure is done when there is laxicity above and below the belly button, looseness of the abdominal wall with protrusion of the abdomen.
Pelvic slide often occurs following pregnancies is also addressed at the time of the abdominoplasty by a pelvic lift.

This procedure helps address the laxicity of the vaginal canal by tightening it after the delivery.

Things to remember about Mummy Makeover

• Cosmetic surgeries are generally not performed with active medical problems or chronic medical problems that are not well controlled.

• Mummy makeovers are not recommended until all of the additions to the family are completed and it makes sense. In the event somebody does get pregnant after mummy make over, it will undo some of the results obtained and may require secondary procedures to fix them.

• Vaginoplasties are generally not required for women who have undergone a C-section for childbirth as it is the natural childbirth through the vaginal canal that makes it lax. Depending on the patients’ needs this laxicity can be addressed.

• Additionally, surgeries are generally not recommended right after the delivery for two reasons: 1. Patients may have the post-partum blues and 2. More importantly the child needs to bond with the mother.

• There is no special age group for these procedures as it is need-based and the need is on the part of the patient. None of the surgeries that are part of the mummy make over are medically required but will make the person feel good about themselves. After all pregnancy, even though may be desired and physiologic in nature, causes a significant alteration of the female body particularly in the breast, body and perhaps vaginal areas.

• Between being a new mother, sleep deprivation, breast feeding and the dysmorphic changes of the body can often be better managed mentally if the patients could visualize the mummy makeover in the future. This is sort of a restorative procedure for women after pregnancy.

• While there is no preferred age group, the benefits can be reaped well if performed early in life. Middle age is not a contraindication for this type of procedures as we live longer, sexual activity will continue beyond the stereotypical period and hence physical desirability and the need for sexual pleasure will drive the engine for mummy makeovers.

• The cycle of cosmetic surgery includes a change of life style, calorie restricted diet and exercise. Post operatively no other regime is as important as this to maintain the results from any body recontouring procedure. The change includes sleep hygiene and a life of moderation.

• Dietary regimes that are most successful are not one of abstinence rather calorie restriction every day. Regular exercise of 30 minutes per day is recommended.

• Intense gym activity, swimming , fondling of the breasts and intercourse is not recommended for about 6-8 weeks to ensure a good result however walking even a brisk one can be initiated after a few days of surgery.