Friday, September 26, 2014

Health Benefits Of Swimming

Swimming can offer anyone of any age a huge range of health benefits. You might just feel and look younger, have stronger muscles, and (according to a long time swimmer) better hair. Although you might not have awesome, shiny and chlorine enriched hair, you can find at least ten other reasons to swim.
Swimming gives your body the workout minus the harsh impacts. Another awesome benefit is the living longer factor. You prolong your life and have higher brain activity with a regular swimming program. Control your weight and have a healthier heart plus lower your risk of diabetes, stop asthma symptoms and have a higher quality of life.

Living Longer

Swimming has been proven to be the fountain of youth. The University of South Carolina surveyed and studied 40,000 men for more that thirty-two years. This study found those men who swam regularly had a fifty percent lower death than their non-swimming peers. Following 40,000 men for over 32 years old is a very impressive study. With those types of numbers, swimming is definitely becoming more attractive.

Exercise Stronger

You can work your body in a swimming pool without high impact to your bones and muscles. As you submerge in water you automatically become pounds lighter. If you are immersed just to the waist your body bears only 50% of your weight. Sink to your neck and let the water bear up to 90% of your body weight. How awesome is this! While you are partially submerged, do aerobic exercises. Take a water aerobics class. If you are stiff and sore in muscles and joints or if you are overweight and suffer from arthritis, water is the perfect place to exercise.
That Arthritis Foundation suggests that stretching and strengthening muscles in a pool brings on quick relief. Try swimming a few laps in the pool, do aerobics and see how great you feel. One young lady with rheumatoid arthritics claimed she was pain free when in the water.
Swim and exercise in a heated pool and the warm water will help arthritis sufferers loosen up tight and stiff joints. Those with rheumatoid arthritis do receive huge benefits to health when they swim and participate in hydrotherapy. Swimming also reduces the pain of osteoarthritis.

Stress Reduction and Brain Building

No one in the world is immune from stress and everyone needs to build brain power. As you merrily swim laps and do water aerobics you are also gaining the advantage of feel-good chemicals releasing throughout your body. These endorphins are one of swimming’s happiest side effects. You can relax, enjoy a “natural high” and feel good all at the same time. Swimming brings on the relaxation response that is also found in yoga class. The constant stretching and relaxing of muscles combined with rhythmic deep breaths is the key. Mediate as you swim laps with only the sound of your own breathing circling your brain. The splash of the water acts as a chant and drowns out distractions.
Change your brain for the better by hippocampal neurogenesis. If you are stress free or in the process of reducing stress by swimming, the brain is replacing those stressed and dead brain cells. Build stronger brain cells by participating in stress-relieving swimming. “Nothing is better than swimming laps,” states a former high school swimmer. “All the boy problems, the school problems, and the life problems just go away when I am in the pool.”

Control Your Weight

Swimming is one of the most recognized calorie burners around. It is awesome for keeping your weight issues under control. It is difficult to determine the number of calories you burn when swimming; this depends on your own physiology and the intensity you swim. A general rule: for every ten minutes of intense swimming you burn up to 150 calories. Swim the freestyle and burn 100 calories and the backstroke will take away 80 calories. To increase calorie burn utilize interval training in your workout. Work hard for short bursts of time and then rest. Swim fifty yards, rest, swim 100 yards rest, and so on. Keep the pattern going until you can swim up to 300 yards. If you think you will never reach this goal; think again. Swimming tends to come easier than you think.

Muscle Tone Improvements

If you think that swimming is purely recreation, think about the dolphin and competitive swimmers. You have probably never seen a flabby dolphin or a fat competitive swimmer. Swimming is one of the best ways to increase strength plus muscle tone. A physical trainer recommended swimming to an overweight man to improve his stomach line. This man argumentatively said, “I don’t want to change my clothes and get wet.” Oh come on now! When was exercise ever perfectly convenient?
Running might be drier, but when a runner runs around a tract your body is charging through air. A swimmer is propelling through a medium that is ten times denser than air. Every stroke and kick is a resistance exercise. Resistance exercises are the best ways to build up strength and muscle tone. If you are menopausal, swim! It will improve your bone strength.

Yoga-Like Flexibility

Exercise machines only work on one part of your body at a time. Swimming gives you a wide range of motion to keep your joints and ligaments flexible. Your arms move in a wide arch, hips are engaged and legs cut through the water. You also twist your head and spine from side to side as you swim. With every stroke, you are reaching forward and lengthening your body. Body length makes our body more efficient in the water and gives a good stretch from your head down to your toes.
Stretch before and after swimming. The more you swim the more you will be able to balance, be flexible and swim longer. If you want to take a yoga class, your swimming exercises will help you look much more graceful.

Asthma and Swimming

If you have asthma, take up swimming. The moist air gives your lungs a chance to work out in an asthma friendly atmosphere. Lung volume and proper breathing techniques are some of the reasons asthma symptoms disappear with a swimming regimen. If you want you or your child to have a better quality of life without the snoring, mouth breathing and emergency room visits due to the inability to breathe during cold and allergy seasons, take swimming lessons.

Heart Healthy

One of the most important muscles in your body is the heart. Swimming is an aerobic exercise and provides life-giving exercise to the heart. It gives the ability to pump more efficiently which in turn leads to improved blood flow. Aerobic exercises have also been proven to combat the body’s inflammatory responses that lead to heart disease.
It is advised that you exercise at least thirty minutes a day and you can use swimming. If you only swim for thirty minutes per day your coronary heart disease is cut by almost 40%. Blood pressure, according to the Annals of Internal Medicine, is also improved by swimming aerobically. Swim away high blood pressure, live longer, and avoid coronary heart diseases.

No More Cholesterol

The perfect ratio of good and bad cholesterols in your blood can be provided with swimming. The aerobic power of swimming will raise HDL (good cholesterol levels). In reverse, the bad cholesterols of LDL will be reduced. For every one percent increase in HDL, the risk of heart disease drops by 3.5 percent.
The thin layers of cells that line your arteries (endothelium) have an easier time remaining flexible when you do aerobic exercises and particularly when you swim. Those in their sixties who work out or participate in aerobic exercise have endothelium functions that are similar to those in their thirties. Arteries expand and contract as you swim and keep their hosts healthy and fit.

Lowers Diabetes Risks

Diabetes is rapidly becoming a disease of epidemic proportions. Nothing works better on relieving diabetic symptoms and the actual disease than aerobic exercise. By burning only 500 calories a week, men reduced diabetes risk by 6%. Only thirty minutes of swimming the breaststroke three times a week would burn up to 900 calories. You now have reduced your type 2 diabetes risk by over 10%. Women could reduce their risk by over 15% with the same aerobic swimming program.
If you already are experiencing type 1 or 2 diabetes, swim to increase insulin sensitivity. The American Diabetes Association urges every diabetic to get at least 150 minutes per week of moderate physical activity to augment glycemic control.
With the benefits of swimming in mind, hit the pool, bring your friends and family and make it a friendly competition to see who can swim the farthest and healthiest.

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Yoga

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Yoga

Yoga increases flexibility and reduces stress, but the practice can do more than help you twist your body into pretzel shapes and find inner peace. These hidden benefits will help you in the kitchen, office and bedroom — and will give you five new reasons to show off your yoga skills (plus recommended poses for each one!).

1. Boost Immunity

Sun Salutation

A recent Norwegian study  found that yoga practice results in changes in gene expression that boost immunity at a cellular level. And it doesn’t take long: The researchers believe the changes occurred while participants were still on the mat, and they were significantly greater than a control group who went on a nature hike while listening to soothing music. Yoga also helps to boost immunity by simply increasing overall health, says Mitchel Bleier , a yoga teacher of 18 years and owner of Yogapata  in Connecticut. “As you breathe better, move better and circulate better, all the other organs function better.”
Strike a Pose: Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar)
This sequence of eight poses performed in a row can be found in almost any yoga class. It creates great circulation and tone, plus sweat, says Bleier. This video  breaks down each posture one by one.

2. Ease Migraines

Bridge Pose

Research shows  that migraine sufferers have fewer and less painful migraines after three months of yoga practice. The cause of migraines isn’t fully understood, but Bleier says it could be a combination of mental stressors and physical misalignment that create migraines and other issues. Hunching over a computer or cell phone with your shoulders up and head forward causes overlifting of your trapezius and tightening of the neck. This pulls the head forward and creates muscle imbalances that can contribute to headaches and migraines.
Strike a Pose: Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet hip-distance apart on the floor. With your hands resting on the floor, begin to press down into your legs and draw your hips toward the sky. The key, Bleier says, is to keep your shoulders in line with the base of your neck, moving the back of the shoulders together so the shoulder blades are close. Lift your chest towards your chin and your chin away from your chest, so the upper trapezius muscles flow away from the head.

3. Boost Sexual Performance

Bound Angle Pose

Studies have found that 12 weeks of yoga can improve sexual desire, arousal, performance, confidence, orgasm and satisfaction for both men  and women . How? Physically, yoga increases blood flow into the genital area, which is important for arousal and erections, says Bleier, and strengthens the “moola bandha,” or pelvic floor muscles. Mentally, the breathing and mind control involved with the practice can also improve performance.
Strike a Pose: Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana)
Sit with your feet together and your knees bent and reaching toward the floor. Slowly fold over your feet while trying to bring your knees closer to the ground while moving the groin back and engaging the pelvic floor muscles. “It’s a great hip opener, plus the pelvic floor engagement tones the muscles for orgasm,” says Bleier.

4. Sleep Better

Savasana Corpse Pose

Researchers from Harvard  found that eight weeks of daily yoga significantly improved sleep quality for people with insomnia. And another study  found that twice-weekly yoga sessions helped cancer survivors sleep better and feel less fatigued. This can be attributed to yoga’s ability to help people deal with stress, says Bleier. “Sleep issues are like anxiety. Your head can’t stop spinning, you don’t know how to relax,” he says. “Breathing and mental exercises allow the mind to slow down, so you’re going to start to see yourself sleep better.”
Strike a Pose: Corpse Pose (Savasana) with Diaphragmatic Breathing
Savasana is the final pose in a yoga class and is meant to restore the body. Lay on your back with your legs slightly apart and your arms extended at your side and your hands on your belly. Inhale and exhale through your nose, follow the breath and feel the belly rise and fall under your hands. The breath, muscles, and mind should be completely relaxed.

5. Fight Food Cravings


R esearchers from the University of Washington  found that regular yoga practice is associated with mindful eating, an awareness of physical and emotional sensations associated with eating. By causing breath awareness, regular yoga practice strengthens the mind-body connection, Bleier says. The awareness can help you tune in to emotions involved with certain cravings, and yoga breathing exercises can help you slow down and make better choices when cravings strike.
Strike a Pose: Meditation
Sit or lay in any comfortable position and bring attention to the natural breath moving in and out through your nose. Next, bring attention to the triangular area around the tip of your nose and upper lip, paying attention to your breath hitting this space as you exhale, the temperature of your breath, and which nostril you’re breathing through. Try this for two minutes, working up to five or more. “The key is to try and be still and focus just on the breath,” Bleier says. “No moving, no reacting, just stay present.”

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

These things will save you from the flu in the kitchen

Flu Tips

But some things Look at you in your kitchen then you will find that the things proven efficacy in the prevention of flu that can be.


With the help of lemon sore throat pain and also does away with the sinus problem. Also clean your blood Meaux loosen the phlegm that is not the problem. Sip a cup of hot water mixed with the juice of half a lemon. You mix a little bit of red chilli powder.


contains antiviral substances that destroy germs. The stomach is proven effective in overcoming the problem. Ginger juice mixed in morning drink two cups of water. Also if you want you can also drink ginger tea. This flu is to get rid of the problem.


Garlic is rich in medicinal properties and is found in every home. Antifungals in raw garlic, Antiwayrl ingredients which contain antibacterial and immune system strong. Every day one or two buds with food from the flu survive by eating garlic.


Cuff for relieving honey with the juice of basil leaves is given. It gives instant relief from cough whether you can drink the tea of ​​basil leaves. It is also quite effective.

Mix veg soup

Due to weak immune competence that we are vulnerable to the flu. Soup made with mixed vegetables intake of nutrients to meet the body which is resistant survivors from coming in and we are vulnerable to the flu.

Black pepper

Ghee and sugar mixed with pepper lick off the throat opens. Eight-ten black pepper boiled in water to gargle with this water, it will be over throat infection.

Sweet potato

Antiakseedent elements necessary to fight the flu is consumed. Sweet potatoes contain high amounts of the antioxidant ingredients which not only prevent infection but also keep you healthy.

Drinking a glass of warm milk mixed with turmeric powder is off flu-related problems. Also on pan roasted whole pieces of turmeric grinding can take honey. The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric Antibakteriyl and protect you from infection

Job and promotion measures to meet

Job and promotion will not have trouble 
finding a job Yoga  measure - 
 Lotte copper from the early morning sun burns must offer .   
 Hanuman ji's philosophy. 
birds, which should feed millet.    possible of the seven types of grains mixed together and feed them to the birds. Wheat, sorghum, maize, millet, rice, pulses etc. may be. To remedy this morning, problems related to the job would be completed soon. 
cow feeding Deve flour and jaggery. 
therefore should take the blessings of elders. levitating picture in the house hold, and their worship of Hanuman. Ban Bajrang text to go every Tuesday.  

Monday, September 22, 2014

12 Amazing Foods To Increase Height

Like if you do not have your short height and several ATTEMPTS A failed you in increasing foot, which can then help in height GAIN FOODS why not TRY! Yes, you Read it right! Work on You can Increase your height and by focusing on it your Diet and Exercise. Height is determined by genetic factors, but your growing stage During A few things you can to do to grow your Full Potential, One of which is eating right. CONVERT TO YOUR FEET HEIGHT FROM A lot of people only focus Cms on Work outs Like stretching and skipping to Increase their body's height. However, there are CERTAIN vitamins and MINERALS which are required by the body for increasing the height naturally. Due to lack of proteins and nutrition, the growth is Limited or very SLOW. So , improve the Supplement of proteins and vitamins in your Diet with these FOODS to ENHANCE height GAIN. For example, Vitamin D Rich FOODS can help Increase body's height as it helps in the Proper Absorption of calcium, BONE development and Promotes Healthy immune Functioning. Protein Healthy and Rich are FOODS EFFECTIVE Repairs in height GAIN body as it Tissues Tissues and Promotes new building. Apart from Vitamin D and proteins, One of the ESSENTIAL MINERALS Calcium is required for Increase height. Calcium Rich FOODS BONE improve growth and development. So, for strong and Healthy Bones, include calcium-Rich FOODS, including Dairy products Like Milk, cheese, curd etc in your Diet. Here are some Amazing FOODS that can help Increase your body's height naturally. Include these FOODS in your Diet to promote height GAIN naturally. Apart from these FOODS, also some exercises TRY Like skipping, swimming and stretching to Increase the flexibility of the muscles and promote growth height. MEASURE YOUR BABY'S HEIGHT 12 Amazing Foods To Increase Height: 


Rich in many proteins and vitamins is the seafood. fish such as salmon and tuna are Rich in Vitamin D and proteins, which Promotes height growth. 


Rich in vitamin D and calcium This is superfood. So, for A Healthy body and strong Bones, Boiled eggs as they are and make sure you include Retaining One of the best methods of cooking the eggs of the ESSENTIAL vitamins and Nutrients.


For Proper Absorption of calcium in vitamins and Bones, include Soy beans Soy Milk and Soy products Like.


Rich in calcium and Low in calories, tofu is to include in your Diet for One of the height GAIN FOODS. Tofu is Low in fat, which aids Weight loss as well.


 Seeds Pumpkin Seeds repair of body building new Tissues Tissues and promote. Also, amino Acids in the Seeds Promotes body's growth.


Rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin A. Carrots are the Bones in A preserves calcium and keeps it strong and Healthy. Sight and also get help improve vitamin A Rich Skin glowing EYE FOODS.


 This is Another Increase height naturally superfood that can help. Leafy Vegetable The green is ESSENTIAL Rich in Nutrients and vitamins. Vegetable and Others Like This green broccoli make sure you have in your Diet.


Milk Bones Calcium is IMPORTANT for the growth and maintenance of strong . Acts as A Milk Rich in Vitamin A which preserves height BOOSTER and is also calcium. Recommended to drink 2-3 glasses of Milk every day it is.

stronger and Healthy Bones For Banana, Bananas Regularly you must have. Apart Form Boosting the height , Fruit is also good for the digestion and bowel Movements.


 When compared with other animal FOODS, chicken proteins is of the highest Source. Eating chicken Provides for the Tissues and muscles to body building proteins.

Green Beans

Green Beans Minerals build bone tissues, increase bone growth and improves blood flow in the body. To increase height naturally, have the protein and mineral rich green beans.


The product is Rich Dairy proteins and calcium. Apart from This, yogurt also contains Vitamins A, B, D and E which Promotes height growth. Yogurt is also good for the digestion.

10 Amazing Foods And Diet For Increasing Height

Height has always been a matter of concern for all of us. People of short height often suffer from low confidence and inferiority complex when they come face to face with their taller counterparts. While, there are a range of products available in the market that promise height increase, they often do not work as intended. Mostly, height depends on genes and on the right kind of food and proper exercise to some extent. Men continue to grow till the age of twenty five whereas women attain there full height by the age of eighteen or nineteen.
Height is regulated by a kind of hormone called the Human Growth Hormone (HGH). It is secreted by the pituitary gland which increases the body height. Therefore, it is recommended to take foods that help the HGH function.

List of Height Increasing Food

Though the body height is determined genetically, it is also a well-known fact that growth depends on certain external factors and nutrition is one of them. Poor height can be a result of slow growth due to inadequate nutrition. Thus, following a balanced diet is absolutely essential for improving growth prospects, particularly during the adolescence years to get a well-built body. Proper food and exercise is required to achieve the optimum height and body weight. Ensure that your body Gets different types of Nutrients in Order to Build strong muscles, ligaments and tendons. A lot of calcium, minerals, vitamins and proteins should be included in your diet. Here is what you need to your diet specifically as food for increasing height.  

A.  Proteins:

Proteins are the building blocks of our body and thus can help increase height by building various tissues. There contain amino acids which are designed for growth hormones and are essential for maintaining healthy bones, muscles, tissues, organs, skin and teeth. They also act as enzymes which stimulate the biochemical reactions of the body such as digestion, respiration and excretion. Lack of protein can cause several health problems like muscle mass loss, abnormal growth, weak immune system and inadequate mental development.
Therefore, carbohydrates should be replaced with foods that are rich in protein such as fish, eggs, milk and legumes.Protein is a necessary ingredient in a food to increase height.

B.  Minerals:

Foods containing minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, fluoride, iodine, iron and manganese also play an important role in increasing height and body growth. 
Calcium is a vital mineral essential for the growth and maintenance of strong bones. Carbonated drinks, excessive salts, sugar, fat and coffee should be restricted as they act as calcium inhibitors, thus adversely affecting your growth. Illegal drugs and excessive smoking can also stunt your growth and have other detrimental effects on your health.

C.  Vitamins:

Vitamin D is vital for the development of strong and healthy bones and its deficiency can result in impaired growth, weak bones and short statute. Moreover, it is required by the body for the absorption of calcium. Apart from vitamin D, vitamins Like other vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 or riboflavin, vitamin C or ascorbic ACID Normal and vitamin F are also required for growth. These are mostly contained in fruits and vegetables.  

Given below is the list of foods which can help you in increasing your height naturally.

1. Milk:

Calcium is vital for the growth and maintenance of strong bones and acts as a height booster. Milk is an excellent source of calcium. Besides, it has vitamin A which preserves calcium in the body. It also contains protein which helps in building our CELLS. Milk can easily BE Maximum Digested and facilitates assimilation of proteins. Skimmed milk is free from fat and contains 100% protein. At least 2 to 3 glasses of milk is recommended daily.  

2. Dairy Foods: 

In addition to milk, dairy foods should also be consumed for having an effect on height. Dairy foods such as cheese, paneer, yoghurt, whipping cream and ice cream are rich in vitamins A, B, D and E. They also contain protein and calcium. Vitamin D and calcium are essential for growth. Deficiency in vitamin D can result in low height gain. Getting adequate calcium is also important, particularly during puberty.

3. Fruits and Vegetables: 

Besides increasing height, fruits and vegetables play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. They are a great source of vitamins, fibre, potassium and folates. Vitamin A helps in the development of bones and tissues. Fruits such as cantaloupes, grapefruit, papaya, mango, passion fruit, watermelon and apricots are abundant in vitamin A. Vitamin A is also found in vegetables like carrots, peas, pumpkin, broccoli, spinach, cabbages, sweet potato etc. Besides, citrus fruits, berries, potatoes and tomatoes also contain vitamin C which help in healthy growth of bones and contributes to the height of a person.

4. Chicken: 

Chick is one of the highest sources of proteins among animal foods. In fact, it provides greater amount of proteins to the body for building tissues and muscles.

5. Beef: 

Apart from chicken, beef is also an important source of proteins but also contains fat which increases the cholesterol level.

6. Starches and Grains: 

Starches and grains are the main sources of energy in our body. Besides, they provide vitamin B, fibre, iron, magnesium and selenium. Since they provide the required calories, their consumption should be increased, especially during puberty, when children go through a rapid growth phase. Brown rice, popcorn, whole wheat and whole-grain pasta are beneficial for proper growth.

7. Eggs: 

A good Source of eggs are also proteins . Their white albumen has 100% protein but you should avoid the yoke as it contains fat. Eggs also contain vitamin B2, which is also known as riboflavin. In order to increase height, 3 to 6 eggs should be taken on a daily basis.

8. Soybeans:

Soybeans contain all the Vegetarian FOODS not provided the highest proteins . The pure protein contained in soybeans, improve bone and tissue mass. For increasing height, 50 grams of soybeans are recommended every day. Vegetarians can fulfil their protein requirements from soybeans which are extremely nutritious.

9. Oatmeal: 

Oatmeal is also a wonderful source of plant protein. It helps in increasing muscle mass and decreasing fat. It is advisable to take 50 grams of oatmeal for breakfast every day.

10. Coral Calcium: 

As the name suggests, coral calcium is obtained from sea corals. It helps in increasing bone mass, thus causing the bones to grow in length. This calcium should be taken at an early age to reap the maximum results.
Thus, height is a genetic factor but it can also be significantly influenced by proper nutrition. Eating healthy food together with adequate physical activity can contribute in a great way in increasing your height.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

You are unaware of these 9 things about eggs

Benefits of Eggs
Sunday or Monday eat eggs everyday 'common analogy is not granted, the egg is quite popular among people because of its healing properties. Breakfast is becoming the first choice of people in the poultry food. According to the American Egg Board, each year, each person typically consumes 255 eggs. But there are many things about eggs which you are unaware.

Egg size
Egg size is not the same, but its size is of many kinds. Eggs small, medium and large size comes in three types. If your appetite is a little egg eating egg you eat little and the big egg if you want to eat more. The bigger the egg, the more advantage and get more protein and minerals your body.

Rich in nutrients

Found that cholesterol is harmful to the heart, but in more than 40 studies it has been proved that the egg is a healthy diet. Vitamins A, D, B with 12 Ribaflavin, phosphorus, and folate is found. These nutrients are beneficial for the body and cause their brains and eyes grow lights.

Has a balanced weight

Weight management can help you a lot in the egg. After eating the egg is calm your appetite and you're protected from Ovriting. One egg has 70 calories and 6 grams protein, low calorie foods, ie it can also be said. If you want to lose weight by egg consumption.


Also helps to keep you energetic throughout the day.

Vitamin D

Along with calcium, vitamin D is essential for building strong bones. Our body absorbs vitamin D from the sun rays and get some food, the egg comes. Eggs are rich in vitamin D, which strengthens bones.

Color does not affect

Some people believe that brown egg is more beneficial than white eggs, while it is not genuine.

Reduce Fat

One large egg 1.5 g saturated fat, 1.8 grams of fat and one gram polyunsaturated fat is present Monosachureted. One large egg contains 185 mg cholesterol addition.According to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory individual institution routinely require 300 mg cholesterol, cholesterol intake more likely to have heart disease. But if you eat an egg a day will meet the needs of your cholesterol and heart will not even sick.

Eat fresh eggs

There is also the expiration date of eggs, farm eggs within three weeks of coming out of the exercise is beneficial. But also note that in the meantime he has effectively been kept in cold storage. Go housed in outdoor temperature the eggs more time to finish their nutritional looks. Eat only fresh eggs so try that.

Energy booster egg

Egg is a great energy booster. If you experience dizziness if you get up every morning egg consumption is beneficial for you. It is a great energy booster. Breakfast every morning it will take you all day energy. Healthy fats that are in the yellow part of the body to provide energy.

Dense black hair and to strengthen Ayurvedic Nusken

Dense black hair and to strengthen Ayurvedic Nusken

1  in ghee and eat the roots of the hair oil massage.

2  wheat juice Jware hair turn black after some time.

3  Turi or Troi take pieces of code that are dry in the sun. Kute then add coconut oil so that it sinks to the mix. Keep Dubokr in this way for four days, then boil the oil filter bottle and fill it. The oil massage. The hair will be black.

4  lemon juice to massage the head of graying hair ,  fall goes away. Dry amla juice mixed with lemon white powdery coating on the hair from the hair are black.

5  wasps (yellow) of the hive whose bees have been flying  25  grams , 10-15 homegrown hibiscus leaves , 1/2  liter of coconut oil on the fire to boil Sikte-Sikte dim dim when the hive becomes black from the oil fire remove. When cooled, filtered oil into the vial recommend. Daily head massage by hand by its light would remove hair growth and baldness.

6-  few days ,  before the daily head bath Find the onion paste. The hair will be black and white.

7-  lemon juice mixed with amla powder white hair turn black from head to put on.

8-  sesame oil is also effective in black hair.

9  ½ cup yogurt pinch of black pepper and lemon juice mixed cochlear hair planted. 15  minutes after hair wash. The hair will be black and white.

10  Keep Neem paste planted sometime in the head. Then wash the hair. Hair loss will stop.

11  tea leaf boiled water to wash the hair. The hair will fall short.

12  gram flour hair wash with a solution of milk or yogurt. Benefit.

13  ten minutes of raw papaya paste Find head. Jdenge hair and Dendrf (Russian) will not.

14 to 50  grams nigella seeds  1  liter of water to boil. Wash the hair with boiled water. The child  1  month are quite long.

15  neem leaf and berry bike and hit on the head by grinding with water  2-3  hours after hair wash. It reduces hair loss and hair are too long.

16  by applying head hair grows garlic juice come out.

17  plum seeds and pumpkin seeds by grinding the leaves with equal amounts Find the roots of the hair. Doing so hair grow longer.

18 to 10  grams of amla juice of mango kernel should grinding hair. The hair is long and curly become.

19  Sikakai and dry amla and  25-25  grams Packaged with little pieces to get it.These pieces  500  grams, add water and soak overnight. Drain the water mashed with morning dress and head massage.  10-20  minutes before taking. Anvlon Sikakai and washed by the waters of the head and hair
By applying coconut oil on dry hair is long ,  become soft and shiny.

20  in cucumber is high in silicon and sulfur are increased hair. Washing hair with cucumber and cucumber juice ,  carrot juice and spinach together, grow hair. If this is not available then met all her juice mixed drink. This experiment also shuts nails fall.

21  Kapoor cucumber  100  grams ,  nut grass  100  grams ,  camphor and soap nut kernel of the fruit of  40-40  grams ,  Sikakai  250  grams and Amla  200 grams of powder to prepare all the volumes. The mixture  of 50  grams of water mixed into the pulp powder (plaster) should be applied to the hair making.Thereafter, plenty of hot water to wash hair. The inside of the head louse-Linken die and the hair become soft.

22  Hibiscus from the nectar of flowers put in head hair grow out.

23  Hibiscus flowers fresh juice mixed with olive oil equivalent Cook on fire ,  shall be part of the water and keep it filled vial. Sewage daily into the hair roots after bath anointed it should. This hair grow longer and brighter.

24- बालों को छोटा करके उस स्थान पर जहां पर बाल न हों भांगरा के पत्तों के रस से मालिश करने से कुछ ही दिनों में अच्छे काले बाल निकलते हैं जिनके बाल टूटते हैं या दो मुंहे हो जाते हैं।

25  Bangra of triphala powder in juice  3  by boiling dried mortar or grinding, keep well. The daily morning around  grams intake is close to white hair and the eyes grow lights.

26  of Anvlon by a coarse powder ,  sugar bowl with soil that Amla put up much of Bangra to drown in it. Then let it dry Krlkar. Similarly,  7  emotions (simmer) by drying it. Daily  3  g intake with the amount of fresh water to be premature white hair falls off
's. This vision enhancer ,  increasing age is beneficial yoga.

27  Bangra ,  triphala ,  Anantmul and mango seed mix and  10  grams Mandur Kalk and pound a liter of water with oil Cook. When the oil filter it and keep the rest.The disease has disappeared from the use of all types of hair.

28 250  g mistletoe approximately  3  liters of water to boil. Remove it if half the water to be staying. This morning wash the hair. The hairs are long.

29  Triphala  2  to  6  grams of powder, about  1  gram portion of the fourth intake of iron consumed the whole morning and evening shuts Hair Loss