Thursday, August 8, 2024

What are the benefits of bananas?

 History of Banana -

banana is an elongated, edible fruit – Botanically a Berry  produced by several kinds of large herbaceous flowering plants in the genus Musa. In some countries, cooking bananas are called plantains.

 distinguishing them from dessert bananas. The fruit is variable in size, color, and firmness, but is usually elongated and curved, with soft flesh rich in starch covered with a peel, which may have a variety of colors when ripe. It grows upward in clusters near the top of the plant. Almost all modern edible seedless (parthenocarp) cultivated bananas come from two wild species – Musa acuminata and Musa balbisiana, or hybrids of them.

Health benefits of banana

1: May improve digestion:

Banana is rich in soluble and insoluble fibres that play an essential role in digestive health. Soluble fibres help to control blood sugar levels and may reduce cholesterol levels. Insoluble fibres may soften your stool and regulate intestinal movements. 

Banana deals with your hyperacidity symptoms by protecting the stomach lining from ulcers. It also helps to guard the stomach against unfriendly bacteria that are responsible for causing gastrointestinal disturbances.

2: Helps to improve heart health

Banana is essential for your heart health. It is rich in potassium, minerals, and electrolytes that help to maintain your heart health. Banana has high potassium and low sodium content. Hence, it may also help to protect your cardiovascular system against high blood pressure.  

A medium-sized banana will provide around 320-400 mg of potassium, which meets about 10% of your daily potassium needs.

3: Helps to build lean muscles: 

If you feel recurrent soreness of muscles after a workout, you may lack magnesium in your body. A magnesium-rich banana may help with muscle contraction and relaxation that increase lean muscle mass

4: Supports bone health

Though bananas are not high in calcium, they can help to maintain your bone health. How? Banana contains a prebiotic named- Fructooligosaccharides. Fructooligosaccharides help to enhance the ability of the body to absorb calcium. Hence, this prebiotic may help to improve the bone health of your body. 

Bananas are rich in soluble fiber. During digestion, soluble fiber dissolves in liquid to form a gel. This may also contribute to a banana’s sponge-like textureTrusted Source.

Unripe (green) bananas also contain resistant starch, a type of fiber that your body does not digest.

Together, these two types of fiber may help moderate your blood sugar levels after meals and regulate your appetite by slowing the emptying of your stomach.

This means that despite their higher carb content, bananas may not cause major spikes in blood sugar levels in people who don’t have diabetes.

However, for those who have diabetes, eating a large portion in one sitting may cause blood sugar levels to rise too high, so it’s best to stick to one banana at a time.

6.Bananas on weight loss

No study has directly investigated the effects of bananas on weight loss. However, bananas have several attributes that could make them a weight-loss-friendly food.

Bananas have relatively few calories — just over 100 calories in an average banana — but are nutritious and filling.

They’re also packed with dietary fiber and resistant starch, which may help you feel full longerTrusted Source and therefore reduce the frequency and size of your meals.

If you’d like to include unripe bananas in your diet, try using them as you’d use plantains

How many bananas a day should you eat?

How many bananas a day should you eat? While there's no strict rule, it's best not to eat more than one or two bananas a day. Eating more could lead to weight gain, as they contain both carbohydrates and sugar. Ensure you're eating a balanced diet by including a range of fresh fruits and vegetables. 

Can I eat bananas at night?

Bananas are a Sleep-Friendly Snack: Bananas contain essential nutrients like magnesium, potassium, and vitamin B6, which can promote better sleep quality. These nutrients help reduce muscle cramps, lower stress and anxiety, and support the production of sleep-regulating hormones like serotonin and melatonin

Can I drink water after eating bananas?

You should avoid drinking water immediately after eating a banana as it can cause severe indigestion. Drinking water makes bananas hard to digest, therefore always wait for about 30 minutes for drinking water

Sunday, January 14, 2024


 Oranges are a nutritious fruit that can be beneficial for your health in many ways. They contain high amount of Vitamin C, which helps in protecting the body from oxidation and helps in strengthening the  immune system.high in vitamin C

Oranges are also high in fiber, which helps keep your intestines healthy Oranges also contain beta-cryptoxanthin, which protects the body from oxidation in fat, skin and other tissues Eating an orange Additionally, oranges are also high in flavonoids, which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects Apart from these benefits, regular consumption of oranges can be beneficial for your health in many ways. Oranges are a good source of fiber, vitamin C and folate, along with many other beneficial nutrients.

Sunday, April 14, 2019


         Well curd is beneficial for everyone but according to Ayurveda it should be avoided at night. During the night, curd enhances cough flaw in the body. According to Ayurveda, the natural strength of the phlegm increases in our body during the night. Therefore, the curd should not be consumed at night because it will increase the problem further which will cause stomach disorders. Free coupon sale: The product is up to 80% discount on Jabong in the yogurt test, sour in hot, hot and digestible in digestion. It increases fat, strength, cough, bile, digestion power. If there is inflammation in the body then you should always avoid eating curd as it increases inflammation even more. Note that this thing is only being said about eating Khati curd. Sour yogurt should never be heated. Yogurt should not be eaten only in the night but in spring also. Read: Make face with yogurt face pack, there is a problem of bright and healthy stomach or problems related to urine, curd helps to get relief with food with honey, ghee, sugar and amla. According to the rules of Ayurveda, curd should avoid eating as much as possible at night. But if you only want to eat curd, then add black pepper powder to it while adding curd. You can also mix fenugreek powder in it. It will also remove stomach-related diseases. Do not eat any sugar in the curd at night. At the place of curd, if you eat butter milk, it is better to eat whey or buttermilk. Along with sugar and amla, there is relief on food. According to the rules of Ayurveda, curd should avoid eating as much as possible at night. But if you only want to eat curd, then add black pepper powder to it while adding curd. You can also mix fenugreek powder in it. It will also remove stomach-related diseases. Do not eat any sugar in the curd at night. At the place of curd, if you eat butter milk, it is better to eat whey or buttermilk. Along with sugar and amla, there is relief on food. According to the rules of Ayurveda, curd should avoid eating as much as possible at night. But if you only want to eat curd, then add black pepper powder to it while adding curd. You can also mix fenugreek powder in it. It will also remove stomach-related diseases. Do not eat any sugar in the curd at night. At the place of curd, if you eat butter milk, it is better to eat whey or buttermilk.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Health benefits of aloe vera

Increased skin brightness
Aloe withdraw the body from toxic substances cleaning the inside of the body. Which comes glowing skin and also remove the stains. Also eczema by applying aloe vera gels on the skin, the problem of Pimpalgaon and cirrhosis are also off.

benefits of aloe vera
Aloe Vera is also known by the name of aloe vera. It contains abundant amino acids and 12 vitamins. It does away with the lack of blood in the body and the body's immune capacity increases. It is as beneficial to your health as well as for your hair and skin. Here's how Aloe vera to have much impact on our health.

Avoiding wrinkles
Wrinkles form massage daily Aloe Jl to avoid This lets you make premature aging. It Moishcraij inside the skin. The juice makes the skin tight and it is due to the presence of Vitamin C and persist hydrate the skin.

Prevent Sunburn
Aloe does juice sunscreen work. Before leaving in the sun aloe vera juice thoroughly and apply on your skin harmful rays of the sun can not damage your skin.

Burning or beneficial in injury
Aloe fills up the wound due to its anti-bacteria and anti-fungal properties. Injuries or relief to find out that gel burns. Were not bruised by taking out its prison immediately after the burning and the irritation ends.


Stretch mark removal
Because of obesity and pregnancy in stretch mark is also useful aloe vera. To lighten stretch mark massage every morning Vera gels. It largely will reduce your stretch marks.

Hair useful in problems
Aloe Vera for hair shows miraculous effect. Hair functions are as far as possible from the effects of problems such as aloe vera loss of hair, dry hair, etc. Dendrf hair. Twice a week before shampooing jasmine, Jojova or coconut oil Find your hair thoroughly mix the juice of aloe vera.

Heart beneficial in disease
The aloe vera increases blood volume in the body as well as blood flow also helps to smoothly made. Aloe High blood pressure makes the normal, which reduces the risk of heart attack.

Healthy and clean teeth
Aloe Vera is very beneficial for the mouth and gums. Shortness of gums from its use and come close blood. As well as ulcer disease in the mouth is also OK. It can also do as your tooth doctor.

Make digestion repair
Aloe many diseases of stomach juice drink away. It strengthens the digestive nerve. Problems such as indigestion and constipation and its daily use is still far. Ulcers originating in the stomach it takes to recover.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Top 5 Early Signs of Pregnancy

Very early pregnancy symptoms, then no doubt there are signs that very early on that you are pregnant. The fertilized egg is implanted in about seven days after his arrest. Implantation of the first symptoms of pregnancy, begin to appear. Changes in hormone levels and the body begins to react to the new hormone levels.

The initial concerns about the pregnancy is completely overshadowed by the most unpleasant symptom known as morning sickness.

"This morning," This term may be misleading, because the symptoms often continue throughout the day. Nausea during pregnancy can begin before you know you are pregnant almost immediately after conception has occurred. Maybe the reports to you.

These are early signs of pregnancy can be very painful, especially if you are still reeling from the discovery that you are pregnant. If there are mixed feelings about the pregnancy and the possible end point, it is very painful as the disease carries a constant reminder of the reality of the pregnancy.

In the early morning sickness can be very violent. It happens to go to bed wondering why I do not know anyone to wake up, that he was hit by a bus. All sorts of symptoms, physical and spiritual, can happen early in pregnancy, and explains, "morning sickness", a generic name. The following list describes the experiences of women in the report:


Fatigue Fatigue / tiredness in pregnancy may be worse than the night after the birth. The women want to sleep more often than usual, and even sleep with only a slight effect on fatigue and sleepiness. Not often the whole day in bed and you feel tired! This may be completed in the first week of the pregnancy, it does not seem infinite. Start to worry about how to deal with the child, if you can not cope with fatigue, fortunately, this objection is raised, the development of the pregnancy.


Nausea and vomiting, fatigue, systemic diseases, some women may experience the most debilitating pregnancy. This can affect every aspect of their lives that this is not the practice of everyday life almost impossible. Despite the fact that the debilitating effects only in extreme cases can lead to vomiting, surgery or treatment. Indeed can be done to stop vomiting during pregnancy, and most women just try to survive and adapt their lives as possible, hoping the symptoms go away quickly.

Strange taste will be "a" or hunger. Many women have reported a metallic taste in the mouth. Women's Classic refuse certain foods or develop problems with certain foods. This can be a good adaptive reasons for women's "Crave" certain foods, perhaps, their bodies, to determine nutritional needs. In practice, however, often point to, that seems unlikely. In extreme cases, non-food, coal is the object of desire, which would be difficult to explain, under physiological conditions.


Headache, aches and pains.

Tears, anger bursts, anxiety. But when these feelings can be confusing for parents-to-be, especially for pregnant and wanted to plan.

Do not forget to take care of themselves, even before pregnancy. Do not drink, and stop smoking. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Five of these early signs of pregnancy are trying to figure out how to make, because only the proper knowledge can ensure a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Pregnancy Week by Week

Keep tab of weeks weeks' Account uterus so if you want to avoid the stress of fear is necessary. The concept of duration 40 weeks. The time is divided into three quarters said. Here, the success.

Here begins the week, the first term of one week 14. The second lasts 26 to 15 weeks to three months. The third part of 40 weeks, 27 weeks. 40, leaving the week, which is therefore the experience of history. So everything should be ready for delivery. The third is the three-step study. You will be met and readings of his birth, his friend is better consectetuer father.

Week 1 To Week 14

Designed by the first week when you're not pregnant. Doctors say they invented the first day of the last time there. An egg by sperm is the end of the second week of fertilization. Thirdly, the principle of which the body is still ignorant of manure. Path egg implanted in the womb, the body begins to feel that could happen is a series of hormonal changes that he feels something illegal. What is the difference between weeks 4 and 5. One case developed by vomiting.

Five to eight days, so that by 14 years, is gaining rapid development of embryonic cells, the group identity of your baby.

Week 15 Week 26

This floor is filled with the evolution of the baby changes. Thus, the mandate to maintain the matrix of the Week A 's. Baby eyes, ears, other characteristics of different things. It has a small area. All players are preparing for growth. He started pumping his chest as well. At 18 weeks the baby begins to develop the fingerprint.

But the 19 weeks the baby is a girl begins to develop an egg in the ovaries. Baby your hair those around her body while he slept, he began gaighvidzos. At 21 weeks in a medical stethoscope meaning of life in the baby. 24 weeks and a doctor, you can hear, has been praised for a beating heart without the ears of the stethoscope of the uterus. At 25 weeks, the brain begins to function Gypsophila paniculata.

Week 27 Week 40

It starts here, and palpabis baby kick. At 29 weeks, the baby has the spirit of the work of the lung can feel the wind. At 32 weeks your baby can see, hear, smell, taste, touch. What should be changed and the dignity of my head fell in the three weeks that follow. But 37 weeks should be prepared to write the project.

What we must remember that he continue after 40 weeks of pregnancy, reached Sunday before the first day of the week the child. To arrive at any time, however, can!

Not weeks belly band, but to get the relevant information is developed from measures to cope better editing, it should be "coined by the matrix. If this is what everyone hopes that three months of pregnancy, childbirth and the concept of art in the most equipped pending changes for the steps on both sides, is the womb.