Tuesday, October 7, 2014

24 By 7 Weight Loss - Boost Your Metabolism

24 By 7 Weight Loss - Boost Your Metabolism
Wonders do happen when you stay diligent and follow your dream step by step and day after day. Losing pounds takes time and effort. Stay focused, patient and persistent.
Fortunately there are a few things you should try to speed up fat burning processes. First, take it as a game and stop feeling a victim. The results are worth your efforts anyways. Do not wait till tomorrow. Be the master of your own life right now. The schedule below will serve you as a teaching tool and guide on how to start your day, how to proceed it, and how to successfully end it up feeling a bit lighter then you were this time a day or two before.

6 a.m. — Start your day with a glass of water. It will shake your metabolism up. Eat your first breakfast – foods containing carbs and protein, such as banana or a handful of almonds. Next, spend some time doing your favorite morning exercises. Let them be intensive rather than long and tiring. This is how you ignite your whole system so that later in the day it could continue burning fat without any additional measures.

7 a.m. — Take a shower. Do a couple of stretches and prepare your second breakfast consisting of protein and fiber, such as lean cottage cheese and veggies. This is also the time of the day when you can eat carbs because they all will burn by you later in the day.
8 a.m. — Prepare your lunch following our advice below.

9 a.m. — Remember to take a reusable water bottle and drink plenty of water at work to keep yourself hydrated. Water is a powerful tool and can even beat severe food cravings.
10 a.m. — Take a rest and have a snack. Give your preference to fiber – 150 is all you need to feel satisfied.

11 a.m. — Start your own food and fitness diary. Keep track of what you eat and how often you work out. Count your calories and see if the quality of your menu could be additionally improved. Compare your days and weeks to see if you are progressing.
12 p.m. — Invite your colleague to join you and go for a walk together. Throughout the day you can also ride a bike or walk instead of using public transport or your car. If that’s too much of a challenge, then at least do stretches while at work.

1 p.m. — Time to eat! Eat your lunch taken from home. Let it be healthy and rich in fiber – whole grains, lean protein and some fruit. Avoid liquid calories and drink a healthier option, for example, water, green or black tea instead of sweetened sodas.
2 p.m. — If you have arranged to meet someone, think if you can combine discussion with walking outside. This will refresh your mind, distract you from your routine, plus burn some calories.
3 p.m. — Now that’s the right time for a snack. Around 150 calories will be quite enough to keep you going till dinner. Healthier options are preferred.
4 p.m. — Take a tea break. Green tea contains caffeine that you will probably need by this time. It will help you feel less hungry. Besides, green tea is known for its fat burning effect.

5 p.m. — Time to go home. Even if you feel tired to walk, try and make your very first steps and in no time you will feel and see your stress and tension go away.
6 p.m. — Prepare a light dinner under 300 calories. Eat plenty of vegetables and add some whole grains to your lean protein. You can try and eat a vegetarian dinner as well. Do not go for seconds, though. Allow your stomach and brain at least 20 minutes to understand that you are full.

7 p.m. — A 5-minute workout in shower is a great idea. Brush your teeth – the minty flavor of your toothpaste will prevent you from night snacking.
8 p.m. — At this point you might find yourself watching TV. But even here you can stay active and do a couple of exercises.

9 p.m. — Practice some yoga. Not only will it encourage sleepiness, it will also help you relax and prepare for the next day.
10 p.m. — That’s the best time to go to bed. After all, without an adequate 8-hour sleep your body cannot function and burn fat properly.

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