Tuesday, October 7, 2014

8 Fabulous Foods To Improve Your Skin

8 Fabulous Foods To Improve Your Skin
You might be surprised to find out how many delicious products there are that can also be used to improve your skin. Healthy skin helps you look younger and much fresher despite your real age.
The quality of food that you eat every day and the amount of nutrients that you consume directly influence your health. Some people might think that healthy foods are always boring, which is not true. We have listed 8 foods that are not only healthy, but also incredibly tasty. Include them for beautiful skin, younger look, and overall health.

1. Purple and blue fruits
Skin loves blue and purple fruits. Eat berries, such as blackberries, blueberries if you want your skin to glow. These berries along with plums and other purple and blue fruits are rich in antioxidants which fight free radicals. It’s not always possible to completely avoid free radicals, especially those that come from the environment, but you can definitely improve the situation by making the right food choices.

2. Sunflower seeds
Seeds are a great source of vitamin E. This vitamin protects skin from sunrays and their negative effect. Sunflower seeds make an outstanding snack. They can be eaten on the go or added to salads, cereal and oatmeal. Whenever you prepare meal, be it a salad, meat, or fish do not put too much salt. Salt is not the best thing to consume if you aim for beautiful skin.

3. Chocolate
There is a myth to dispel! Some believe that chocolate causes acne. That’s not true. You can eat dark chocolate. The point is to consume it in moderation. The best thing about chocolate is that it boosts flavonol intake to perfect skin. If you are trying to lose some weight, make sure you do not overeat it, since chocolate contains a lot of calories.

4. Tomatoes
Take some time and do your own research to find out how beneficial tomatoes are for your skin beauty! Some people claim that tomatoes cause acne. What personally I believe is that due to antioxidants, such as lycopene, tomatoes, on the contrary, help your skin look better and improve skin tone. This fruit can be eaten raw, consumed as a snack or be added to salads. Pizza sauce and marinara can also be included in your menu because in cooked tomatoes the level of lycopene is even higher.

5. Yogurt
Who doesn’t like yogurt? But did you know that this delicious milk product is good for your skin? Yogurt consists of protein which prevents wrinkles and keeps skin firm and youthful. We are talking about natural plain yogurt only. Avoid fruity versions because they contain a lot of sugar. Simply add fresh fruit to plain yogurt if you do not want to eat it plain.

6. Red bell peppers
Make your skin look its best by eating red bell peppers. They can be eaten either raw or cooked. One pepper is enough to provide you with the daily minimum of vitamin C. Peppers are rich in vitamin B6, carotenoids, and fiber. All the above mentioned nutrients fight acne, wrinkles and increase blood flow to the skin which makes the skin look much younger. Peppers are low in calories which makes this veggie a great snack. Include red bell peppers in your diet if you want to maintain good shape and have good skin.

7. Salmon 
Oily fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Eat salmon to hydrate your skin. Hydrated skin always looks younger and fresher than dry skin that lacks moisture. Include salmon in your menu to make your bones, hair, and heart stronger. Fish can reduce depression, anxiety and is a good preventative measure against colon cancer. Besides, it has been estimated that people who eat fish cope with intellectually challenging tasks much better. Finally, salmon reduces inflammation, protects skin from acne and wrinkle formation.

8. Spinach
It’s a fantastic plant packed with many nutrients, minerals and vitamins. Ignoring it would be a total mistake. There are not too many foods that would include folate, Vitamins E, A, and C, magnesium, chlorophyll, iron, and protein all at the same time! Antioxidants that spinach is rich in fight numerous kinds of skin issues. Eat this plant raw, make smoothies or merely add to salads.

Now it’s your turn to name foods that help you have beautiful skin.

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