Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Dispelling The 9 Acne Myths

Dispelling The 9 Acne Myths
There is no one best way to treat all acne right now and right here. Many areas of medicine have been trying to figure out how to combat the problem yet researches haven’t invented a means that would work 100%.
In some instances treatment is quite successful. It all depends on the cause of acne. The root of the problem is what we should look for. Still there are more questions than there are answers. That makes people wonder and guess why they suffer from acne. Here are the most common acne myths people believe in.

1. The Sun Fights Acne
There is a grain of truth in this. If you are of a fair complexion, then 20-25 minutes a day spent in the sun can improve your skin. People of darker skin might need 30-40 minutes to see some positive shift. Do not expect sunrays solve your problems completely. Sunbathing is healthy as long as you do not stay in the sun for too long – excessive exposure to UV rays can cause damage to your skin. Never go without sunscreen. Keep your skin protected and moisturized.
2. Avoid Chocolate
It hasn’t been proved that chocolate causes acne. Researchers do see some connection between foods with high glycemic index and acne. The problem is sugar rather than cocoa beans. What you should avoid is milk chocolate that contains higher amount of sugar, cookies that contain sugar plus fats. Products that contain wheat, such as white bread, flakes and processed foods are not good for skin either.

3. Adults Do Not Get Acne
Half of men and one fourth of women suffer from acne for various reasons. More than that, in the recent years there has been a steady increase in the number of adults suffering from acne. This phenomenon might have been triggered by the quality of food, conservatives, chemical, and artificial flavors that our food contains. Adult acne is treated using the same methods that are used to treat younger sufferers.

4. Do Not Squeeze Pimples
Picking pimples is not the best thing to do yet there is no scientific proof that popping pimples is the reason why people cannot get rid of them. As we have mentioned above, food can also greatly influence the condition. On the other hand, pimples with whitish content can be safely eliminated. Next time you cannot resist the temptation to pop a pimple make sure that your fingers and the area around the pimple is clean. That’s the least you can do. Although it will be better if you ask a professional to help you with acne removal in order to avoid possible permanent scarring.

5. Stress Causes Acne
True and False. A bad day at school or work won’t make your skin worse. However, stress influences production of some certain hormones, such as glucocorticoids. This hormone is known for its acne-inducing effect. Avoid stressful situations and get enough of sleep to keep lower glucocorticoid levels.

6. Proper Hygiene Eliminates Acne
Clean skin is always better, no doubt. Yet dirt is not the reason why you got acne in the first place. Pimples start growing at the bottom of pores and only later do they appear on the surface. Acne can be a genetic problem and genetics has nothing to do with hygiene. Wash and see if it helps to solve the problem. Clean your skin gently using neutral skin products. If you treat it harshly, rub it intensively, or use abrasives, the condition can become worse. 

7. Drinking Water Clears Skin
Water is essential for health. It improves blood flow. When blood circulates it washes bacteria out of your body. You stay hydrated and feel better but water does not remove pimples.

8. Sunscreens Cause Acne
It all depends on the content of the product. Any overly oily substance applied on your skin can worsen your acne. Grease clogs pores and does not let your skin breathe. There are plenty of different brands and their ingredients vary. Some include titanium oxide and zinc oxide. Sunscreens that contain these elements are called physical sunscreens and they should be avoided by people suffering from acne. Chemical sunscreens are recommended.

9. Acne Is Just Cosmetic
To some people skin problems cause psychological discomfort, they feel depressed and less self-confident. Apart from the psychological and cosmetic aspects, acne that are cystic can lead to infections and permanent scars. It is advised that acne should be treated by dermatologists who have all necessary skills and qualifications allowing them to interfere in order to help you solve skin issues.

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