Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Get Rid Of Excessive Weight And Tension With These 5 Foods

Get Rid Of Excessive Weight And Tension With These 5 Foods
Nowadays there are more and more people fighting stress, anxiety, and tension. Daily routine, hectic lifestyle and problems that we usually experience both at work and home make us sometimes seek professional help.
Some of us, of course, might need a psychologist to help us deal with our issues. However, most people can try and first do something on their own to release stress and tension. If you feel that lately you have been under pressure more often than usual, you might have also noticed then that not only do you feel worse than before, but, probably, have gained a couple of extra pounds. You are not the only one who has faced this problem. According to statistics, 39% of people tend to consume more unhealthy foods than they do when they feel happy and relaxed. Luckily, there is a way out and you can always improve your mental health as well as physical appearance.

Killing two birds with one stone – beating stress and extra pounds – is possible if you replace unhealthy snacks with these 5 foods:

1. Seafood
Seafood is the main food for most Japanese. Fish is one of the reasons why in Japan people live much longer lives. Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which strengthen your cardiovascular system. Seafood also provides plenty of protein which is needed when losing weight.

2. Eggs
Eggs have traditionally been eaten for breakfast. Not in vain! Not only do they provide plenty of protein, they are full of vitamins and minerals. This food can stabilize your blood sugar level and you will feel full longer. Iron and vitamins B and D are just what you need to start a new day.

3. Pumpkin Seeds
Another great source of omega-3 fatty acids are pumpkin seeds. This wonderful food provides L-tryptophan. This hormone helps us fight insomnia and, as we all know, insomnia is the major side effect of high tension and stress. Pumpkin seeds are packed with magnesium – a mineral that effectively boosts your energy level.

4. Dark Chocolate
Indulging in desserts from time to time is healthy for both your mental state and body. Dark chocolate contains much less sugar that’s why it does not negatively affect your blood sugar. Those who prefer dark chocolate to milk chocolate are less prone to stress. Besides, flavonoids that are found in dark chocolate have a brain-boosting effect. This is one of the few treats you should not avoid.

5. Dark, Leafy Vegetables
It is not a myth but a real and proved fact that absolutely all vegetables are good for our health. Full of fiber and few calories, greens feed and heal us inside and out. Blend them and have a smoothie in the morning, eat vegetables in salads with your main course for lunch, prepare a vegetable soup for dinner. No doubt such a stress and weight reducing menu can be not only healthy but delicious as well! Be creative in the kitchen and invent your own vegetable dish.

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