Friday, October 10, 2014

Healthy Snack Recipes: 13 Low-Sugar Ideas To Eat During The Day

You may be the type of person who routinely hits an afternoon slump at work and can only think about coffee or chocolate (or both). And when that happens, the thought of eating something sugar-free sounds about as appealing as eating your mousepad.
But luckily, there are some options for meals and easy snacks you can make the night before that have less than two teaspoons of sugar and sometimes, even no sugar at all. Dr. Brenda Watson, A naturopathic doctor and Author of The Skinny Gut Diet , Weekly Recipe A GUIDE HAS come up with for breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and snacks and is Sharing them with us.  
Using her own sugar calculating formula (carbohydrates - fibre / 5 = sugar teaspoons consumed), Watson wants to encourage Canadians to figure out how much sugar they're actually consuming on a day-to-day basis and where they can cut back.
"Start with removing obvious contenders like sugary sodas, fancy coffees, and baked or processed goods," she says. She also suggests eating non-starchy vegetables, low-sugar fruits, healthy fats, lean proteins and nuts and seeds.
Why focus on the sugar? Often, snacks filled with sugar do not have much to offer in the way of nutrients, especially those that fill you up. And while the  World Health Organization (WHO) recommends only six teaspoons of sugar A day for the average adult , Studies have shown  up to 26 teaspoons of sugar A day Canadians consume.
Watson says the WHO recommendation, however, does not include sugar from starchy carbohydrates like pasta, bread, cereal, potatoes and corn. "Starchy carbohydrates actually break down into sugar in the digestive tract, which increases your body's total sugar load, which triggers gut bacteria imbalance and leads to weight gain."
To keep things simple, especially in the office and snacking world, Watson has come up with the best snacks to eat during the day with little or no amount of sugar.

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