Thursday, April 23, 2015

Top health benefits of bindii / gokshura


Gokshura is also known with the name puncture vine, it has been under the use since many generations as a general tonic. It is used in Ayurvedic medicine for the better maintenance of efficient kidneys and urinary function and in reducing renal discomfort. Some other amazing health benefits of gokshura includes increasing the low libido, enhancing stamina and energy, treating the kidney problems and renal stones. Let us see the benefits in an apparent way.

For fostering the male reproductive system, Gokshura is used in the traditional Chinese medication. It is a well known herb for athelets and body builders because they use it often in their health regimen as a supplement to increase the production of testosterone in the body.

Gokshura generally found throughout in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Southern Europe, in sandy soils. Gokshura is also found as a weed on cultivated fields and in waste lands.

Health benefits of gokshura
Treats low libido

People with low libido and who are having troublesome sex life can take the advantage of gokshura. It treats the infertility problems in a natural way. Some studies showed that gokshura helps for the restoring of the low testosterone levels.

The working action of gokshura involves with stimulating the body’s natural hormone, through which it helps for the production and maintenance of the testosterone levels.

Gokshura which boost up the libido through storing high testosterone levels in the body also takes care about the problems that encounter during the ageing process. Regular intake of gokshura extract will make the age not to show its affects on the appearance. The same property helps to treat many physiological problems that are linked with age like wrinkles and muscular degeneration.
Reduces urinary problems

Urinary tract problems mostly occur due to the build up of the stones in the tract. Gokshura extract consumption helps to eliminate the stones in the tract, through which it makes the urine flow smooth. It also stops the urinary tract bleeding and treats renal ailments incontinence and cystitis.
Erectile dysfunction

Gokshura is advantageous in erectile dysfunction as it stimulates the penile tissue by which it enhances the penile erection.
Heart benefits

Gokshura is beneficial in reducing the cholesterol levels, which is needed to reduce the risk of heart stroke. It also functions great in minimizing the blood sugar levels and blood pressure levels. Along with it, gokshura also treats the heart complications like angina. Gokshura is having rich properties of antibiotic and antitumor, which helps to combat with the liver cancer.
Polycystic Ovarian Disease

It is a cause of the female infertility. Usage of gokshura helps such patients.
Fights water retention

As a natural diuretic, gokshura helps in removing the additional amount of water in the body and it reduces the size of cyst.

Gokshura is used in the treatment of diabetes. People with Polycystic Ovarian Disease may also develop diabetics due to glucose intolerance.
Fights glucose intolerance

Gokshura has the ability to increase capacity while work outs, similarly it helps women to strengthen their muscles, who can involve more into work outs.

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