Monday, September 1, 2014

How Olive Oil Cure acne

Acne is the biggest enemy for the youngster for their looks .We use lots of skin product for clear skin
 but we did not get it.In adolescence ,increase androgens like testosterone, usually caused
 acne,which mostly found in during puberty.Acne is also found over the oil glands,It is also
 found in those persons who have allergy with dust or other chemical.  
How Olive Oil Cure acne :- Olive Oil is not equal as the other oil ,it has some extra quality that’s help us for our skin problem,Olive Oil have the Vitamin D,vitamin E,vitamin K and contains Beta carotenes , which turns into Vitamin A in body. Vitamin A Stimulates  genes that cause skin cells to mature and rise to the surface. This opens up the skin over pores.
Olive Oil has different properties which helps in acne:- 
  • Antioxidant ( Olive Oil contains polyphenol which is very powerful antioxidant. This antioxidant helps those persons who have oily skin,polyphenol keeping skin moist throughout,In moist skin acne heals faster)
  • Antibacterial (Extra virgin oil also contains antibacterial properties. , antibacterial properties in this oil prevent acne from becoming worse due to bacteria infections)
  • Anti-inflammatory ( Olive oil has special anti-inflammatory properties,which helps to control inflammation around acne for prevents acne from becoming infectious )
  • Anti-fungal
  • Boosts the immune system  ( Immune systems helps to stop bacterial or allergy causes of acne)
  • Promotes healing
  • Skin scrubs ( helps in removing dead skin cells and improving blood circulation in the skin)

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