Monday, October 6, 2014

How to Get Rid of Ear Pain

Ear ache or otalgia is a common phenomenon for most adults and children; the pain can be very disturbing and can often make you fussy and irritable. There can be many reasons for this, such as, an outer or inner ear infection, an infection of the skull's mastoid bone which is located behind the outer ear called mastoiditis, and also from infections and disorders of the nerves surrounding the ear, which may have originated from dental conditions, jaw disorder or throat disorders.

Here are some ways through which you can ease your ear pain

  • Trick of Swallowing: Try to swallow some water or food, as it can relieve your ear ache by removing the pressure that is normally built up behind the ear drum. You might fall victim to such a pressure by a bacterial ear infection or a change in weather. On chew gum or pretending to chew on something can give you the same effect.
  • Garlic Oil Remedy: You can place 2 to 3 drops of garlic oil to the affected ear thrice daily, and then leave the drops in your ear for about 30 minutes. Then flush your ear out completely with warm water. Allicin which is the potent active ingredient of garlic acts as a natural antibiotic and can destroy any bacteria infecting your ear and causing ear aches.
  • Hot Pack Remedy: You can also relieve your ear ache by applying a hot pack to it. This heat which is generated from the hot pack will dilate the blood vessels in your ear, thus reducing the pain. You must be careful to cover the hot pack with a clean cloth before applying it to your ear. Then lie down on your side and apply the pack on your affected ear for about 15 to 20 minutes. Then repeat this process after a three hour wait, do this three times daily.
  • Over the Counter Remedies: You can also use an over-the-counter pain reliever such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. These medications will help to give you relief from the pain and reduce the fever which is associated with an ear infection. Be sure to read the precautions mentioned on the package so as to determine the dosage.
  • See a Doctor: Finally it is advisable that you consult an ENT (ear, nose, and tongue) specialist if in case your ear ache persists or worsens. You must not avoid an ear check up if your ear ache is accompanied by a high fever and is intense. Many times it has been seen that intense pain with fever can be an infection of the middle ear, which requires antibiotic therapy, and if it is left untreated, pus may form in the ear and cause deafness.

While it is okay to follow the above mentioned home remedies and over the counter medicines during any mild ear pain experience, you must also be careful not to let it pass if the pain gets unbearable.

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