Tuesday, May 20, 2014

How to get pregnant fast: 12 top tips for getting pregnant

How to get pregnant fast: 12 top tips for getting pregnant 

How to get pregnant fast: 12 top tips for getting pregnant

Trying to get pregnant can be a lot of fun - you've always got an excuse to snuggle up with your partner and have some luvin'. But while lots of people think that getting pregnant will just take a matter of days, it can actually take a long time.

If your body has been used to the pill, patches or implants it can take time for it to get back into the swing of things.

It can be frustrating, we know. So we've done a little research to find out how to get pregnantfast. From changing your diet to trying differentsex positions, there are numerous ways that you can boost your chances of getting pregnant.

So if you want to know how to get pregnant fast, get reading these top 12 tips!

Healthy Diet

Easier said than done of course, but having a healthier diet and lifestyle is really important if you want to increase your chances of getting pregnant fast.

Regular exercise and a balanced diet will help to keep your body on top form, and it needs to be at its best if you're going to get pregnant quickly. But what is a good fertility boosting diet exactly?

You need to make sure you are eating fresh fruit and vegetables from lots of different colour groups - that's an easy way to make sure you're getting the key vitamins and minerals into your diet.

So that means stocking up on blueberries, raspberries, red peppers, tomatoes and leafy greens like curly kale.

Other foods which are supposed to be good for improving your chances of conception are zinc rich foods - like oysters (extravagant, maybe, but it's for a good cause!)

Folic acid is a pregnancy buzzword, but it's also important for women who are trying to conceive. Foods rich in folic acid are usually green - so try eating more broccoli and spinach.

Eating dairy, fruits, meat and protein in sensible quantities will also help you to improve yourhealth and boost your chances of becoming a mummy.

Try to include two or three portions of dairy into your diet every day, but make sure you balance this out with plenty of fruit, vegetables and lean meats or fish. The idea is to get the benefits from all the different food groups!

There are some key nutrients that your body will need in order to conceive. That includes the following vitamins (which, by the way, you should continue to take once you are pregnant).

Vitamin E
Panthothenic acid
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Thiamin B6


The Right Weight

Being overweight or underweight can reduce your changes of conceiving signficantly.
So when you are trying for a baby, you really need to think about that. Ideally your BMI (body mass index) should be at 20-25. If you are over or under this then chances are you’ll struggle to fallpregnant quickly.

Being overweight also increases the chance of high blood pressure and diabetes duringpregnancy, and can contribute to complications in pregnancy too.

Visit your GP and check if your weight could be a barrier to becoming pregnant, you might find you need to gain or lose weight to maximise yourconception chances.

Never crash diet or starve yourself - no matter how quickly you want to become pregnant, losing weight takes time and needs to be done sensibly. In the long run it will all be worth it - and you can be a healthier parent too!


Oh yeah, detoxing. That old, not very fun thing. Sadly, though, detoxing is a really good way to cleanse yourself of any nasty toxins that could be lurking around.

There are a few things that you really should cut back on, and they're pretty obvious. Smoking and drinking (alcohol, of course) are the two that can decrease your chances of getting pregnant, so try to cut back on them.

Drinking the odd glass of wine is fine, but to give yourself the best shot at having a bun in the oven, you should be looking to have a maximum of one to two units once or twice a week. If you can give up boozing completely then even better.

The same goes for your partner - as alcohol can affect the quality of his sperm - so the less you both drink the better.When it comes to Smoking, NICE suggest binning the fags completely assmoking has a direct link with lower fertility for both men and women.


While we're on the topic of vices, let's talk about caffeine. Researchers have previously suggested that women with fertility problems won't benefit from drinking lots of coffee.

Apparently those who drink more than four cups of the black stuff a day can reduce their chances of falling pregnant by about 26%.

However, the study did only look at women withfertility problems, so most women shouldn't feel guilty about having a morning cup of coffee. But, you should avoid drinking lots of caffeine.

Oh, and a final vice...drugs! Needless to say - drugs are bad. So any recreational drugs you may dabble with need to become a thing of the past - and pronto.

Have sex regularly

Oh no, really? Yep, it sounds obvious doesn't it - but having sex regularly is critical to getting pregnant - funny that.

So how often should you be doing the deed and how many times do you need to do it before you can test positive for pregnancy?

According to a survey by First Response the average couple will have to have sex a total of 104 times before falling pregnant. Dr. Mike Smith of First Response said: "Having sex 104 times before falling pregnant does sound rather a lot, but as they say practice makes perfect. Trying for a baby is a very exciting time for a couple and many try to have sex at every opportunity in order to get pregnant."

Of course if you are going to have sex 104 times it's probably a good idea to spread this across the course of a few months; NICE advise having sex two to three times a week, every week, to boost your chances of having a babe.

There are all sorts of ovulation calendars, charts and conception planners available for you to have fun with, but these can often stress couples out as they put pressure on you both to make love at very precise times.

And don't forget, once you've had sex stay lying down and rather than make a run for the loo or the shower, try a post coital cuddle - it'll make you feel all lovely and crucially will keep your partners sperm inside you for longer.

Know your cycle

Most medics agree that women are more likely to get pregnant within a day or so of ovulating.

You normally ovulate two weeks after the first day of your period, so having lots of sex at this time of the month is ideal. While sperm lives for up to 7 days, eggs have a much shorter lifespan - they only 'live' for 12 to 24 hours once they have been released so you might want to schedule special baby making appointments with your partner when you know you're at your most fertile.

But that shouldn't stop you from going for it at other times during your cycle, as we've said, the more the better!

Check out sofeminine's Ovulation Calendar Tool.

Visit your doctor

If you've been trying to get pregnant for a while then it could be time to visit your doctor. They can give you a general health check up and do tests to check if there are any underlying problems facing you or your partner in terms offertility.

If you've only just started to try for a baby then it is still a good idea to visit your GP with your partner to have a check up on both your medical histories and your general health. You can discuss any concerns you have about trying to conceive and they should be able to advise on lifestyle options and ways to boost your chances of conceiving.

When trying for a baby, visiting the doctor can sometimes feel like visiting the dentist when they tell you that you have been drinking too much coffee and haven't flossed enough.

But don't be scared of your GP, if they tell you to give up your daily glass of wine or 10 a day fag habit, then it's all sound advice you should take. After all they're there to try and help you conceivemore quickly.

Boost his health

When it comes to getting pregnant fast, your partner's health is just as important as yours. If he prepares his body for healthier sperm you'll increase the odds of getting pregnant.

Like you, your man should try to have a healthy diet and be a healthy weight, and should also be thinking about exercising. He can also help his sperm to be stronger by increasing his vitamin Cand vitamin E consumption which can help with the development of healthy 'swimmers', so to speak.

Stress can harm sperm production so if your partner is anxious or stressed out it could be a good time to deal with that - either by visiting the GP or finding a way to eliminate or at least minimise the stress causing factors in his life.

Sex positions

Some sex positions are better than others forgetting pregnant.

When sperm are trying to swim all the way up to your fallopian tubes be kind and give them a little extra help by choosing a sex position that angles them upwards (we know that's a graphic image, but it's just biology!

 to find out the sex positions that are great at increasing your chances of gettingpregnant.

Don't stress

Trying for a baby can be a stressful time and like we said, if you and your partner put too much pressure on yourselves you could be making things even harder.

Make sure you are not stressed out, anxious or panicked, that's just as important as giving up cigarettes and taking folic acid.

A study at Oxford University found that women with a stress enzyme were 12% less likely to getpregnant during the most fertile period of their monthly cycle. They said that relaxation techniques, counselling, yoga and meditation can all help.

So why not join your local yoga centre or start meditating on a daily basis? Even finding the time to soak in the bath or relax with friends will help to reduce your stress levels, and increase your likelihood of getting pregnant.

It is difficult to deal with the feelings of hopelessness that come as your period descends once more, but keep on having special time with your partner and you may find that as soon as you ease off the pressure you fall pregnant.

If you really are worried about what is taking you so long, the best thing to do is visit your GP who can refer you to a fertility specialist.

So how long will it take until I get pregnant?

Generally speaking it takes most couples (84%) about one year to fall pregnant . For others it can take longer.

Stats suggest 92% of couples can get pregnantafter two years of trying, but most couples are advised to visit your doctor if you've tried for a year without success.

Younger women are more fertile so the earlier you start trying the easier it is to fall pregnant. The average woman in her early twenties takes four to five months to fall pregnant.

For women in their early thirties it takes an average of seven to ten months, while for women in their later thirties often fall pregnant after ten to twelve months of trying.

The statistics are reassuring as even in their late thirties 65-70% fall pregnant within a year oftrying to conceive.

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